Student working in a laboratory

We undertake interdisciplinary, world-leading research across the full spectrum of Earth Science and Engineering.

We encourage all prospective students to contact the primary project supervisor or the alternative contact person for more information and an informal chat to discuss the process of applying and preparing your research statement.

Our research – both pure and applied – covers a broad range of subjects, from studying past climate in Antarctica to developing innovative means of capturing and storing carbon from our atmosphere, modelling environmental pollution and hazards, characterising the myriad flows of our oceans, and revealing the history of life on both our own planet and others. Our work covers seven main Research Themes – as shown below.

We collaborate with industry partners from the mineral and energy sectors, and participate in cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental Research Centres such as the Grantham Institute, the Energy Futures Lab, and the Sustainable Gas Institute.


Explore our PhD projects by topic

Departmental PhD projects and scholarships are currently available in the following research areas: