About the project
Aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM, our Latin American Women in STEM video interview series highlights the stories of six Latin American women across Imperial.
Each video covers a different question, delving into these women’s personal backgrounds, career trajectories, and influences, while also offering valuable advice. The videos are in Spanish, with English subtitles, to make it as accessible as possible to Latin American girls.
The initiative, led by Dr Catalina Pino Muñoz, was made possible through the generous support of the Equality, diversity, inclusion and culture (EDIC) committee at ESE (through ESE’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science Outreach Fund).
Watch the video series
Latin American Women in STEM: Meet our researchers
Meet our Latina researchers and find out more about their background as they introduce themselves.
In this video interview series, we spoke to some of our Latina researchers about their research and careers. Meet our researchers in this introductory video.
En esta serie de video entrevistas, hablamos con algunas de nuestras investigadoras latinas sobre sus proyectos de investigación y carreras. Conócelas en este video introductorio.
Latin American Women in STEM: Upbringings & Inspiration
Our researchers tell us more about their background and what sparked their interest in science.
In the first video of our Latin American women in STEM video interview series, we asked our researchers to tell us more about their background and what sparked their interest in science.
En el primer video de nuestra serie de videoentrevistas sobre mujeres latinoamericanas en STEM, les pedimos a nuestras investigadoras que nos cuenten más sobre su trayectoria y qué fue lo que despertó su interés en la ciencia.
Latin American Women in STEM: Navigating Career Paths
Our researchers discuss their different career paths and their passion for their respective fields.
In the second video of our Latin American women in STEM video interview series, we asked our researchers to tell us more about their journey in STEM to date and what initially fuelled their passion for their respective fields.
En el segundo video de nuestra serie de videoentrevistas sobre mujeres latinoamericanas en STEM, les pedimos a nuestras investigadoras que nos cuenten más sobre su trayectoria en STEM hasta la fecha, y qué fue lo que encendió su pasión por sus respectivos campos.
Latin American Women in STEM: Influential Figures & Mentors
Our researchers to tell us about someone who influenced their STEM journey.
In the third video of our Latin American women in STEM video interview series, we asked our researchers to tell us about someone who influenced their STEM journey, and if there was a particular woman in STEM who inspired them.
En el tercer video de nuestra serie de videoentrevistas sobre mujeres latinoamericanas en STEM, les pedimos a nuestras investigadoras que nos hablaran sobre alguien que haya influenciado su trayectoria en STEM, y si hay alguna mujer en particular que las haya inspirado.
Latin American Women in STEM: Stereotypes & Challenges
Our researchers talk about the stereotypes and challenges they have faced as Latin American women.
In the fourth video of our Latin American women in STEM video interview series, we asked our researchers what stereotypes and misconceptions they have faced.
En el cuarto video de nuestra serie de videoentrevistas sobre mujeres latinoamericanas en STEM, les preguntamos a nuestras investigadoras a qué estereotipos se han enfrentado.
Latin American Women in STEM: Advice for the Next Generation
We asked our researchers what advice they would give young Latin American girls interested in STEM.
In the sixth and final video of our Latin American women in STEM video interview series, we asked our researchers what advice they would give young Latin American girls passionate about science and considering a career in STEM.
En el sexto y último video de nuestra serie de videoentrevistas sobre mujeres latinoamericanas en STEM, preguntamos a nuestras investigadoras qué consejo darían a las jóvenes latinoamericanas apasionadas por la ciencia y que están considerando una carrera en STEM.
Meet the interviewees
Dr Catalina Pino Muñoz
Catalina is a Research Associate in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering. She is from Chile.
Catalina's research focuses on how energy devices like batteries work. She seeks to understand the chemical and electrical processes that control how they store and convert energy.
Paola Alvarado
Paola is a MSc student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She is from Perú.
Paola is doing an MSc in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, where she is acquiring first-hand experience of experimental soil mechanics and applying that knowledge to environmental geotechnics.
Dr Adriana Paluszny Rodriguez
Adriana is a Reader in Computational Geomechanics at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering. She is from Venezuela.
Adriana uses computer simulations to understand how fluids move underground and how rocks fracture, and is a co-author of the recently published Wiley book "Fluid Flow in Fractured Rocks".
Meet our Latin American Women in STEM 2
Giuliana Mastropietro
Giuliana Mastropietro is a PhD candidate at the Department of Chemical Engineering. She is from Uruguay.
Giuliana is deeply interested in vaccine development for neglected tropical diseases, such as the Chikungunya virus.
Dr Paula Ordonez Suarez
Paula is a Teaching fellow in the Faculty of Medicine. She is from Colombia.
As a biomedical research scientist in the field of virology, her focus is on retrovirus-host interactions, HIV/AIDS, antiviral and anticancer therapy, and drug discovery.
Dr Camila Muñoz Escobar
Camila is a Research Associate at the National Heart & Lung Institute. She is from Chile.
Camila's research is currently focused on improving a type of heart scan known as a diffusion tensor cardiac MRI.