Design and Operations of Future Sustainable and Resilient Space Infrastructure Systems for Lunar and Mars Exploration

NASA’s Artemis program is the first step towards establishing a permanent human presence beyond Earth. This project will contribute new computational system models and methods to design and operate complex infrastructures needed to support resource production (oxygen, water, food, propellant), power, communications, transport, scientific and commercial activities in extreme environments like the Moon. In collaboration with Imperial ESE and MIT, the research will contribute new thinking to ensure sustainable and responsible space exploration and commercial activities in the future. It will provide new thinking applicable for terrestrial infrastructures in an environment that is becoming increasingly inhospitable due to climate change.

How to Apply 
Please contact Dr Michel-Alexandre Cardin if you are interested in applying for this project. 

For more information on submitting a PhD application, please consult our application pages here. When you submit your application, please cite this project title in the 'how you are planning to fund your PhD' section.