Module Leader

Dr Lorenzo Picinali

+44 (0)20 7594 8158

Associate module leader:
Dr Rebecca Stewart

This module will give you an introduction to audio technology and perception, which includes acoustics, psychoacoustics, digital signal processing, audio recording techniques, audio reproduction techniques, 3D sound synthesis and reproduction and other selected topics such as data sonification and loudspeakers design.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be better able to:

  • Acoustics (Introduces K1): 
    Apply the basic principles of acoustics and digital signal processing
  • Psychoacoustics (Introduces K2): 
    Explain the physiology of the hearing system, and of the main principles of hearing perception
  • Audio products and interactions (Reinforces S3): 
    Integrate different audio software and hardware components, designing and creating audio products and/or complex interactions/experiences
  • Applications (Reinforces S4): 
     Apply such knowledge to appropriate case studies


Description of Content

Acoustics and DSP:
 Introduction to acoustics
 Introduction to digital signal processing
 Introduction to audio recording and reproduction
 Introduction to the physiology of the hearing system
 Introduction to hearing perception
SPRINTs (The choice of the SPRINTs which will run each year will be given to students before the beginning of the term):
 AA – Architectural Acoustics
 SPAT – Spatial audio and 3D sound
 PsyPhy – Psychology and Physiology of the hearing system
 DSP – Digital Signal Processing
 MIA – Musical Instruments Acoustics
 SRT – Sound Recording Techniques
 SPEDE – Speaker Design
 SONIFY – Data Sonification

Contact us

Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888

Campus Map