
Post-Doctoral Research Associates

masterDr Wyean Chan

Dr Wyean Chan joined Prof Michel-Alexandre Cardin's research group as a research fellow in 2017-18 at the National University of Singapore. He worked on the optimization of decision support systems, using real options decision rules, for food waste-to-energy management and emergency medical systems. He is currently a research scientist at the Institute of High Performance Computing, at A*STAR in Singapore.

phdAakil M. Caunhye

Aakil M. Caunhye is currently Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Business Analytics at the University of Edinburgh Business School. Prior to that, he was a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore, as part of Singapore-ETH Center’s Future Resilient Systems project, under the supervision of Dr. Michel-Alexandre Cardin. During this time, Dr. Caunhye developed robust optimization models for resilient power generation/transmission expansion planning using real options analysis and decision rules. 


Caunhye, A. M., & Cardin, M. A. (2017). An approach based on robust optimization and decision rules for analyzing real options in engineering systems design. IISE Transactions, 49(8), 753-767.

Caunhye, A. M., & Cardin, M. A. (2018). Towards more resilient integrated power grid capacity expansion: A robust optimization approach with operational flexibility. Energy Economics, 72, 20-34.


phdMark P. De Lessio, Ph.D, MBA

Mark graduated from Clarkson University with a BS degree in Interdisciplinary Engineering and Management and embarked on a lengthy career in the telecom and Internet sectors where he had increasingly responsible roles in Product Management in both multi-national and entrepreneurial organizations.  While working in industry, Mark obtained an MBA from New York University (STERN). Mark returned to academia full time to earn a PhD from the University of Cambridge (UK) as a member of the Engineering Design Centre (EDC) where his dissertation focused on the complex product design and development process.  Upon completing his PhD, Mark joined the National University of Singapore (NUS), under the guidance of Dr. Michel Cardin, as a Senior Research Fellow and member of the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). At NUS his research focused on using Design Structure Matrix (DSM) modeling and “real option” analysis to enable better decision making capability and execution for successfully developing and growing organizations such as entrepreneurial start-ups or divisions within large multi-nationals. After completing his work at NUS, Mark joined New York University (NYU) as an Industry Assistant Professor and Program Director of the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering programs.  Mark has recently returned to NUS as an Associate Professor of Practice and is currently a member of the Innovation and Design Programme (iDP).


DE LESSIO, M.P., WYNN, D.C, and CLARKSON, P.J., (2019) Modelling the planning system in design and development, Research in Engineering Design, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp 227 - 249

KOH, E.C.Y., DE LESSIO, M.P., (July 2018) Fixation and distraction in creative design: the repercussions of reviewing patent documents to avoid infringement, Research in Engineering Design, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp 351 – 366

DE LESSIO, M.P., CARDIN, M.A., ASTAMAN, A. and DJIE, V. (2015) A Process to Analyze Strategic Design and Management Decisions Under Uncertainty in Complex Entrepreneurial Systems, Systems Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp 604 – 623


  • Dr. Chang Sun
  • Dr. Junfei Hu
  • Dr. Elizaveta Kuznetsova


Research Associates and Engineers

  • Yixin Jiang
  • Howard K.-H. Yue
  • Mingzhen Diao


Doctoral Students

phdSixiang Zhao

Sixiang Zhao received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Systems Engineering & Management from the National University of Singapore. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Sino-US Global Logistics Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He was awarded by Shanghai Sailing Program in 2020. His research interests include optimization under uncertainty, real options theory, and dynamic decision-making problems.
Zhao, S., Haskell, W. B., & Cardin, M. A. (2018). Decision rule-based method for flexible multi-facility capacity expansion problem. IISE Transactions, 50(7), 553-569.
  • Dr. Qihui Xie
  • Dr. Mehdi Ranjbar-Bourani
  • Dr. Sizhe Zhang
  • Dr. Yinghan Deng
  • Dr. Ashwani Kumar
  • Dr. Steffen Blume 

Visiting Doctoral Students

  • Dr. Jonathan Mak
  • Dr. David Allaverdi
  • Dr. Adam Abdin

Undergraduate Students

  • Ryan Dai
  • Amine Benchrifa
  • Aaron Carver
  • Bruno Cameran

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