Message from our Director of Research

 Multidisciplinarity and cross-cutting skills are an integral part of what differentiates the Dyson School of Design Engineering. Design engineers weave together different disciplines, methods and ways of thinking for a uniquely multifaceted approach to solving complex problems. By being able to think both like engineers and like designers, and by engaging with expertise in mathematics, psychology, policy-making, business, and other fields, our students enter the world uniquely equipped to innovate effectively, lead responsibly, and manage the complexity inherent to product innovation and to tackling major global challenges. 

Our strategy is to help each individual researcher, from undergraduates to world leading Professors, solve real world problems. We tackle challenges through multidisciplinary teams that work closely with other sectors, from traditionally-funded basic science, to projects consulting for industry and advising government.    

We have research groups, each with a specific set of perspectives and skills, that come together to address society's grand challenges.  We are a proud part of the wider Imperial research community and engage across the college through research networks, Centres for Doctoral training (which offer scholarships to work with us), and centres of research excellence.    

If you would like to join us please see our opportunities page for PhD and other opportunities. 

Best wishes, 

Professor Rafael A. Calvo