
 Academic and Co-curricular Programmes

  • To ensure that the Dyson School of Design Engineering's undergraduate, postgraduate and research programmes are relevant to current and future needs of industry and other graduate destinations.
  • To discuss issues spanning admissions, placements, and progression to employment.
  • To identify opportunities for industry collaboration and commercialisation of academic and co-curricular activities.

Dyson School of Design Engineering Positioning

  • To discuss the current research themes and their relevance to emerging industry needs.
  • To advise on how DSDE relates to, and promotes itself to the UK and global market for graduate design engineering recruitment, employment, research, and leadership in design engineering.

Strategic Development

  • To contribute to discussion on development plans for DSDE including portfolio of programmes, research themes and activities and marketing and communications.
  • To advice on DSDE’s use of space, equipment, and facilities.


  • The members of the IAB shall be appointed to represent a broad range of  disciplines relating to design engineering and organisation scales (ref appendix).
  • Membership is for an appointed person from a company. The individual may appoint a proxy in case they cannot attend an IAB meeting in person.
  • It is expected that membership will be for a term of 4 years.
  • Membership is by invitation only.
  • The DSDE seeks to maintain diverse representation on the IAB


  • Membership is a voluntary contribution. Reasonable expenses may be reimbursed at the discretion of DSDE.
  • DSDE reserves the right to use a photo and description of IAB members on the School website.

Contact us

Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888

Campus Map