Dr Edward Johns and the Robot Learning Lab

Dr Edward Johns is the Director of the Robot Learning Lab at Imperial College London. Before returning to Imperial as a lecturer in 2018, Dr Johns studied Electrical and Information Engineering at Cambridge University and completed his PhD in visual place recognition at Imperial College London. In 2017, he was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship for his project "Empowering Next-Generation Robots with Dexterous Manipulation: Deep Learning via Simulation"

Watch the video below to find out how the Robot Learning Lab have been continuing their research remotely during the Covid-19 lockdown period.

Find out more about Dr Johns research and the Robot Learning Lab

Meet Dr Edward Johns and his team and learn about how they have been able to continue their research remotely during lockdown.

Simulating a robot’s world during lockdown

Using machine learning techniques such as deep learning and reinforcement learning, Dr Edward Johns and his team are training robots how to physically interact with objects in their environment. Watch this video to find out how the Robot Learning Lab have been continuing their research remotely during the Covid-19 lockdown period.

Dr Bernhard Kainz and Smart Medical Imaging

Dr Bernhard Kainz is a Senior Lecture at Imperial College London. Together with Dr Mengxing Tang, Dr Kainz leads the Affordable Imaging stream within the CDT for Smart Medical Imaging - a collaborative project between Imperial College London and King's College London. His research is about interactive algorithms in healthcare, particularly self-driving medical image acquistion that can guide human operators in real-time during diagnostics. 

Watch the video below to hear about Bernhard's passion for his reasearch and to find out how affordable imaging is helping provide people worldwide with accessible healthcare.

Find out more about Dr Kainz's research and Smart Medical Imaging

Meet Dr Bernhard Kainz and hear how he and colleagues from the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Smart Medical Imaging are pioneering innovative and cost-effective imaging.

Affordable imaging

Healthcare providers and purchasers around the world are facing enormous financial pressure. The Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Smart Medical Imaging are working on four research streams to try to address these issues worldwide. One of these streams looks specifically at low-cost portable imaging technologies and affordable wearable sensors.

Join Dr Bernhard Kainz as he talks about his research in pioneering these technologies, supporting healthcare systems and providing more people with access to affordable care.


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