Our students are highly motivated and typically seek opportunities throughout their studies to gain experience in the industry; we make every effort to assist them in this. We believe that our approach of nurturing our students' innate curiosity, providing them with a firm scientific and technical foundation, and instilling in them the need to continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills throughout life, results in strong employability potential.

Raising your profile

Our students are in demand, and many potential employers are keen to make students aware of their opportunities and current projects. We have found that employers have been very enthused by becoming more involved. To facilitate this, we recommend that you consider one of the following and contact our team for further information.

Attend the "meet the industry" event

In February each year the Department hosts an evening event designed to bring students into contact with representatives from leading companies across the sector to discuss possible careers and vacation training. This event is a perfect opportunity to come into face-to-face contact with the next generation of budding engineers, and to present your company and project portfolio direct to the students in a more relaxed environment.  The event usually attracts about 200 students and 20 different companies. 

Placements and vacation work

Although not a formal requirement of the degree, all students benefit from undertaking placements or vacation work to experience the application of their learnt skills. We encourage our students to take part in these activities, which many find to be hugely interesting and motivational. We also believe that the employer benefits in having the opportunity to see the potential of our graduates.

Advertising a job vacancy

We are happy to advertise appropriate vacancies with our student body.

The first point of contact for all general enquiries relating to the information provided on this page is Rebecca Naessens, r.naessens@imperial.ac.uk, Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5990

Contact the Department

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ

+44 (0)20 7594 5929 / 5932 / 5931
Email: cvenquiries@imperial.ac.uk

We are located in the Skempton Building (building number 27 on the South Kensington Campus Map). How to find us