IChemEThe Engineering Council of the UK governs accreditation and the policy on accreditation is defined in the Specification for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). The standard route to registration as a professional engineer requires an accredited BEng degree, accredited further learning to Masters level, professional development and experience, and a professional review for Chartered Engineer status. 

The MSc degree in Process Automation, Instrumentation and Control is accredited for further learning to Masters level. As of November 2017, the status of accreditation is: 

IChemE - Institution of Chemical Engineers: Up to and including academic entry year Oct 2017 to September 2018, with the next renewal visit currently being planned. 

The IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology: Up to and including the 2019 intake.

InstMC - Institute of Measurement and Control: Up to and including the 2019 intake.

Individuals who do not possess an accredited BEng degree may be able to demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding in other ways. This involves a case-by-case assessment of individuals’ non-accredited qualifications together with any accredited further learning and experience.