Chemical Engineering PhD Student-Staff Committee

Who We Are

The PhD student-staff committee includes the departmental PhD representative, who chairs the committee, representatives of the various research areas, as well as the Postgraduate Tutor, the Director of Postgraduate Studies and the Postgraduate Administrator.

We are here to voice needs and concerns to the administration and organise events for PhD students. Please feel free to approach us with any concerns or suggestions you might have for the department. If you do not feel comfortable approaching one of us, you can fill out an anonymous comment at this survey link:

Meet the Chemical Engineering PhD committee!

The Representatives

Departmental PhD Representative

Ethan Butler (

Ethan Lovdal Butler

My name is Ethan and I am interested in running for the PhD Departmental Representative position for a second term because while I think our team did good work last year, we can do even more this year. Last year, we ran considerably more social events than ever before and advocated for PhD student experience at both the Departmental and Faculty levels. This year, I want to help grow our social events to be higher-quality, more diverse and more frequent. Moreover, I would like to improve our committee’s transparency and communication, so that the whole PhD student body has more opportunities to get involved with the decisions made in our Department.

Materials Representative

The Materials Representative represents PhD students who are based in the Materials Laborartory. This includes the following research groups: Biological System Engineering Laboratory, Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Polymer and Composite Engineering, Polymers and Microfluidics, Separations Engineering and Technology, Surfaces and Particle Engineering, Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemical Imaging.

Manuela Nania (

Manuela Nania My name is Manuela Nania, I am from Naples (Italy) and I am currently a PhD student in the Polymers and Microfluidics Group, led by Dr João Cabral. My research project is focused on experimenting novel techniques to impress a variety of patterns on soft matter. The presence of patterns can indeed confer functionality to surfaces which can then be applied in several fields.

When I am not in the lab, I cultivate my passions for photography and cooking (as you would expect from an Italian!).

I have been PhD representative in the area of Materials for the past year: it has been such an exciting and at the same time challenging experience that I would love to be involved in the committee again this year. Together we have made a considerable effort in promoting cohort building between PhD students. I truly enjoyed being involved in the planning and execution of these events and I am ready to go the extra mile this year to bring the best to all PhD students.

Another aspect I enjoyed about being a PhD rep is mentoring. I am extremely happy that people feel that they can approach me with their issues and it is amazing to be able to guide them through their solution.

Physical Properties and Analytics Representative

The Physical Properties and Analytics Representative represents PhD students who are based in the Physical Properties and Analytics Laborartory. This includes the following research groups: Molecular Systems Engineering, Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre, Surfaces and Particle Engineering, Thermophysics Laboratory, Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemical Imaging.

Elton Dias (

Elton Dias

Hi there, my name is Elton Dias and I am a second year PhD student in the Multifunctional Nanomaterials group. I was a PhD representative last year and I was mainly in charge of organizing our monthly social drinks gatherings, which I am looking forward to bring back to you guys…

Outside work, I tend to lead a healthy lifestyle with a lot of training for obstacle course races and the occasional squash game. I have also created the Imperial ChemEng Squash ladder for our departmental squash players matchup in a friendly and semi-competitive environment.

Reaction & Catalysis Representative

The Reaction and Catalysis Representative represents PhD students who are based in the Reaction and Catalysis Laborartory. This includes the following research groups: Carbon Capture and Storage, Electrochemical Engineering, Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Separation Engineering and Technology.

Rebecca Liyanage (

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm a 2nd year PhD student working on carbon storage experiments within the QCCSRC. This is the first time I'm running for a rep position (as a PhD student) but I also did my undergraduate in the department and was a year rep during that time so I'm hoping to bring my past experience to this role. My main goal would be to continue the work of the previous committee and put on more inclusive social and networking activities. 

 Outside work I enjoy a drink and a laugh with friends but my favourite pass time is eating. I love food and that means I have to love exercise as well. I'm a keen cyclist and last year took part in the team duathlon.

 Systems Representative

The Systems Representative represents PhD students who are based in the Systems Laborartory. This includes the following research groups: Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory, Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Clean Energy Processes, Molecular Systems Engineering, Process Automation.

Mark Allenby (

Mark AllenbyHi All! I am an Ohioan, 3rd year doctoral candidate under Professors Mantalaris and Pistikopoulos in the Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory of  the Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) group. I have acted as the systems representative for the Chemical Engineering PhD body since 2014, and am currently one of the two postgraduate representatives for CPSE, spanning multiple departments at Imperial and UCL, and in both positions we have hosted multiple socials (in excess of £1,000, 60 attendants) and regular gatherings throughout London and inside Chemical Engineering.

I will continue to be the point of contact to receive and communicate PhD-specific issues in student-staff committees to enhance postgraduate facilities and experiences. In addition, I plan to maintain consistent social events and highlight major off-campus celebrations to bring together postgraduate students and staff in chemical engineering. I look forward to designing many of these events with you, as the current committee are already planning on how to shape socials and outings with respect to student input! I am anticipating an exciting 2016 for the ChemEng PhD body.

Transport and Separation Representative

The Transport and Separation Representative represents PhD students who are based in the Transport and Separation Laborartory. This includes the following research groups: Biofluids and Transport, Complex Multiphase Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Flow and Dynamics of Soft Matter, Separation Engineering and Technology.

Claudia Menichini (

Claudia Menichini

I am a third year PhD student in the Biofluids and Transport research group, supervised by Prof. Yun Xu. My work is focused on the optimization of medical treatments for cardiovascular diseases such as aortic dissection and cerebral aneurysm.

I have been a PhD rep for over a year and I have been involved in the organization of drinks gatherings, parties, barbecues and much more. We have been working really hard to promote social activities in the Department and to build a stronger PhD community, both from an academic and a social perspective. I really enjoyed being part of the committee and I look forward to a new year full of events and activities! We have many new ideas for this year that will allow students to have a great time outside of their research lab.


The PhD reps have organised several very successful events, including a summer barbecue, Christmas and Halloween parties and monthly social gatherings. Fortcoming events will be communicated by e-mail and through Facebook.


Please like us on Facebook and, if you are a Chemical Engineering PhD student at Imperial College London, please join our Facebook forum for PhD students.