MSc student handbook

The Departmental Student Handbook is issued to you in week one of Autumn term in hardcopy, and is also posted on this page in electronic form.
The handbook contains very important information for your academic life, and also for your life in College outside of work.

You should read the handbook as soon as possible after you receive it so that if an event or circumstance arises, you know what action to take, or at least know that the information on what action to take is available to you.

Download the 2015-16 MSc Handbook.

Key contacts

Professor Kang Li (MSc Course Coordinator) 419 ACE Extension

Professor Amparo Galindo (Director of Postgraduate Studies); ACE Extension

Professor Paul Luckham (Postgraduate Tutor); Bone Building

Dr Severine Toson (Departmental Safety Officer); ACE Extension

Amelia Jedynak (MSc Administrator);; 311 ACE Extension

Susi Underwood (Postgraduate Administrator); ACE Extension

Taught Modules 2015/16

Download a full list with descriptions of modules offered to students

Note the taught modules and workshops vary from year to year; the lists below are indicative.

Students can choose modules from any of the lists below, in accordance with the requirements for their course (e.g., a student specialising in biotechnology must take at least four modules from the biotechnology list and no more than two modules from the business list).

The following general modules were offered to MSc students in 2015/16:

  • Carbon Capture and Clean Fossil Fuels
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Introduction to Nuclear Energy
  • Nuclear Chemical Engineering
  • Particle Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Process Heat Transfer
  • Reaction Engineering II
  • Molecular Modelling of Fluids
  • Dynamical Systems in Chemical Engineering
  • Strategy of Process Design

Biotechnology modules for 2015/16 comprised the following:

  • Biochemical Engineering
  • Membrane Science & Membrane Separation
  • Pharmaceutical Process Development
  • Transport Processes in Biological Systems

Process Systems Engineering modules for 2015/16 comprised the following:

  • Advanced Process Operations
  • Advanced Process Optimisation I
  • Dynamic Systems in Chemical Engineering
  • Dynamic Behaviour of Process Systems

Structured Products Engineering modules for 2015/16 comprised the following:

  • Colloid and Interface Science
  • Pharmaceutical Process Development
  • Product Characterisation
  • Membrane Science & Membrane Separation Processes

Business courses for 2015/16 comprised the following:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance and Financial Management
  • Strategy Management
  • Project Management
  • Managing Innovation

Professional Skills Workshops

The following workshops are typically offered to MSc students:

  • Presentation skills
  • Technical report writing
  • Writing a literature review
  • Information retrieval
  • World of work
  • Personal organisation and effectiveness