ChemEng Enterprise: tackling global challenges a spinout at a time 

Testimonials post ChemEng Enterprise Day 2024

Martin Glen, Investment Director, Parkwalk Advisors

“I greatly enjoyed the ChemEng Enterprise Day. I thought it was well presented and all of the companies were potentially investable by VCs. It’s a great way to demonstrate the great tech and great people on the faculty at Imperial externally and can only serve to raise the profile and reputation of the department, which in turn will continue to attract top talent."

Ian Shott CBE FREng, Executive Chairman, Shott Trinova  (SAB member)

"I think [ChemEng Enterprise Day] is an excellent milestone of progress, which coupled with the quantifiable information on Departmental Startups and investor follow ups, demonstrates you are moving the needle."

Krisztina Kovacs-Schreiner, CEO Lixea (a ChemEng spinout) 

"The ChemEng Enterprise Day was very well organised with the right balance between presentations and networking sessions over a very nice(!) lunch and drinks. I really enjoyed how intimate the atmosphere was. I did not get the usual pressured, competitive feeling - it was a professional, yet relaxed and friendly environment. The investors were genuinely interested in the technologies and the bright brains behind them. We secured one Angel investor from the event, and received many messages with genuine feedback and additional support.

The event is a wonderful platform for budding entrepreneurs to present their ideas (for some at the first time in their journey) as part of a supportive environment before they face the real hardship of fundraising."

Rob Hargrove, Angel Investor

"Congrats to you and the team for a great day last week - thoroughly enjoyable and on point!!"

Marco Pantaleo, Programme Manager, European Innovation Council 

"Thanks Sandro [Director of Enterprise] for the excellent organisation, Jim for the panel chair and all for the valuable contributions, it was very useful and interesting."