Committees widget

Committee members

Head of Analytical Services – Patricia Carry
Representatives from Departmental experimental research themes (8)

Analytical Services User Group Terms of Reference [pdf]

Committee members

Chair - Paul Luckham

Director of Research – Omar Matar

Department Operations Manager – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan

Director of Postgraduate Studies – Serafim Kalliadasis

Administration Manager and Staffing Coordinator – Sneha Saunders

Department Safety and Services Manager– Pim Amrit

MSc Coordinator – Jason Hallett

Communications Officer – Sara West 

Head of Mechanical Workshop – Tony Meredith

Committee members

Chair - Serafim Kalliadasis
Head of Computing Services - Graham Stuart
Research Computing Analyst - Terrence Crombie
Director of Research - Omar Matar
Director of Postgraduate Studies - Serafim Kalliadasis
Director of Undergraduate Studies - Klaus Hellgardt
Director of PAIC MSc - Nina Thornhill
Director of Course Operations  - Andreas Kogelbauer
Academic staff (8)

Computing Services User Group Terms of Reference [pdf]

Committee members 

Chair - Camille Petit

Department Operations Manager – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan

Professor of Energy Engineering - Professor Geoff Maitland 

Senior Research Fellow - Hans Michels

Reader in Particle Technology - Jerry Heng 

Lecturer  - Chris Tighe 

Communications Officer - Sara West

Project Coordinator - Bhavna Patel 


Committee members

Head of Department – Nilay Shah
Departmental Athena SWAN Coordinator – Valeria Garbin
Imperial College London Athena SWAN Coordinator – Rob Bell
Administration Manager and Staffing Coordinator – Sneha Saunders
Director of Course Operations– Andreas Kogelbauer
Head of Analytical Services – Patricia Carry
Director of Postgraduate Studies – Serafim Kalliadasis
Head of Mechanical Workshop – Tony Meredith
Consultant at Postdoc Development Centre - Lenne Lillipuu
Senior Lecturer - Jerry Heng
Professor - George Jackson
PhD student - Clemens Patzsche
Research Associates (4)

 Equality, Diversity and Culture Committee Terms of Reference [PDF]

Committee members

Head of Department - Nilay Shah
Department Operations Manager - Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan
Director of Research - Omar Matar
Director of Resources - Martin Trusler
Director of Postgraduate Studies - Serafim Kalliadasis
Director of Undergraduate Studies - Klaus Hellgardt

Committee members

Director of Undergraduate Studies – Klaus Hellgardt
Department Operations Manager – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan
Director of Course Operations – Andreas Kogelbauer
Principal Teaching Fellow – Clemens Brechtelsbauer
PG Office Manager – Susi Underwood
Administration Manager and Staffing Coordinator – Sneha Saunders
Department Safety and Services Manager – Pim Amrit
Head of Analytical Services – Patricia Carry
Research and Finance Manager – Aleksandra Szymanska
Head of Mechanical Workshop – Tony Meredith
Head of Computing Services – Graham Stuart
Head of Electronics – Chin Lang
Stores Manager – Keith Walker

Committee members

MSc Coordinator – Jason Hallett
MSc Administrator - Christian Addie
MSc Reps (2)

Terms of Reference coming soon

Committee members

Director of Postgraduate Studies – Serafim Kalliadasis
Postgraduate Tutor – Paul Luckham
Postgraduate Office Manager – Susi Underwood
PhD Reps (6)

Terms of Reference coming soon

Committee members

Director of Postgraduate Studies – Serfaim Kalliadasis
Director of Course Operations & Senior Tutor – Andreas Kogelbauer
Postgraduate Tutor – Paul Luckham
MSc Coordinator – Jason Hallett
Postgraduate Office Manager – Susi Underwood
MSc Administrator – Christian Addie

Terms of Reference coming soon

Committee members

Director of Research – Omar Matar

Director of Resources  - Martin Trusler

Department Operations Manager – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan

Postgraduate Tutor – Paul Luckham

Postdoctoral Research Associate Representative - Petr Yatsyshin

MSc Coordinator – Jason Hallett

Communications Officer – Sara West

Academic staff (5)

Research Committee Terms of Reference [pdf]

Committee members

Chair - Marcos Millan-Agorio
Faculty of Engineering Safety Manager
Department Safety and Services Manager – Pim Amrit
Senior Fire Officer
Lab Services & Radiological Protection Rep
College Deputy Safety Director
Laser Safety Rep
Electrical Safety Rep
Workshop/UNITE Safety Rep
Department Safety Officer – Severine Toson
Biological Safety Officer
Pilot Plant and UG Lab Rep
College Radiation Protection Manager
Professional Staff Rep
Postdoc Rep
PhD reps (4)
MSc reps (2)

Further information coming soon

Committee members 

Director of Resources – Martin Trusler
Department Operations Manager – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan
Department Safety and Services Manager – Pim Amrit
Research and Finance Manager – Aleksandra Szymanska
Academic staff  (4)

Space Panel Terms of Reference [pdf]

Academic staff meeting

In attendance

All academic staff
Director of Course Operations and Senior Tutor - Andreas Kogelbauer 
Principal Teaching Fellow – Clemens Brechtelsbauer
Department Operations Manager – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan
Department Safety and Services Manager – Pim Amrit

Research staff meeting

In attendance

All research staff

Professional staff meeting

In attendance

All learning and teaching, professional and technical staff

Committee members

Director of Undergraduate Studies – Klaus Hellgardt
Director of Course Operations – Andreas Kogelbauer
Principal Teaching Fellow – Clemens Brechtelsbauer
MSc Coordinator – Jason Hallett
Teaching Fellows (2) – Umang Shah & Colin Hale
Director of Development - Discovery Space – Daryl Williams
Librarian – Mano Jacob
All year reps (8)
All year chairs (4)
Dept Reps (2)
MSc reps (2)
Exchange student reps (2)

There are no Terms of Reference for this committee however there are guidelines circulated by the Student Union, which you can find linked below.

Staff Student Committee Good Practice Guidelines [pdf]

The Strategic Advisory Board is unique in that it is an external committee established by the Department with the purpose of assisting and advising on the Department’s strategic plan. It is composed mainly of alumni working in industry. 

Strategic Advisory Board Terms of Reference [pdf]

Committee members

Director of Undergraduate Studies – Klaus Hellgardt
Director of Course Operations – Andreas Kogelbauer
Principal Teaching Fellow – Clemens Brechtelsbauer
Year Chairs (8)
Dept Reps (2)
MSc Reps (2)

Taught Course Committee Terms of Reference [pdf]


  • Chair - Omar K Matar 
  • Andreas Kogelbauer
  • Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan
  • Aleksandra K Szymanska
  • Bhavna Patel
  • Ben Strain 
  • Cameron Aldren
  • Ceri Hammond
  • Colin Hale
  • Erich A Muller 
  • Emma Pajak 
  • Faith E L Marsh
  • Humera Ansari
  • Kleio Zervidi
  • May-Yin Low
  • Pedro Verdia Barbara
  • Sulekh Teegala
  • Severine I Toson
  • Sevgi Thompson
  • Susi Underwood 
  • Sara West
  • Umang Vinubhai Shah
  • Pim Amrit 
  • Patricia Carry
  • Tony Meredith
  • Minutes: Nazma Mojid (NM)

Meeting minutes are available in the working group Box folder.