President's MedalPast and present members of the department have been hugely successful over the years in a variety of areas and these successes have been recognised via awards and prizes from many sources including prestigious international and national awards as well as recognition within the College.

The Department also has an Awards Committee, set-up specifically to identify suitable awards and nominees, support award nominations, track and coordinate nominations and publicise successes. Contact the Awards Committee if you would like to be put yourself or someone else forward for an award:

A selection of recent awards are listed below. Links, where available, go to related news stories and information. Please contact us if you would like to be added to this list:

Recent awards

Academic staff
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)
2018 President’s Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Excellence in Research Supervision Imperial College London Professor Yun Xu
2018 President’s Award for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience Imperial College London Dr Colin Hale
2018 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Imperial College London Dr Bradley Ladewig
2018 McBain Medal & Lecture, an early career award in colloid & interface science SCI Dr Valeria Garbin
2017 Franklin Medal  IChemE Professor Henricus (Hans) Michels
2017 Nicklin Medal IChemE Dr Kyra Sedransk Campbell
2017 MM Sharma Medal IChemE Professor Geoffrey Hewitt
2017 The Julia Higgins Medal and Award Imperial College London Dr Cleo Kontoravdi
2017 President's Medals for Outstanding Research Team Imperial College London Professor Andrew Livingston
2017 AIChE 35 Under 35 AIChE Dr Camille Petit
2017 Silver Medal for Younger Members IOM3 Dr Camille Petit
2017 European Science & Engineering Program ExxonMobile Dr Camille Petit
2017 President's Awards for Excellence in Research Supervision Imperial College London Professor Nina Thornhill
2017 President's Medals for Excellence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Imperial College London Dr Daryl Williams
2016 Underwood Medal IChemE Professor Andrew Livingston
2016 Nicklin Medal IChemE Dr Qilei Song
2016 Guggenheim Medal IChemE Professor Martin Trusler
2016 Fellowship Royal Society of Chemistry Dr Roberto Rinaldi
2016 PETRONAS/RAEng Research Chair in Multiphase Flows & Thermal Management Royal Academy of Engineering Professor Omar Matar
2016 President’s Award and Medal for Outstanding Research Team Imperial College London Professor Sandro Macchietto
2016 Sir Frank Whittle Medal Royal Academy of Engineering Professor Roger Sargent
2016 McBain Medal Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical Industry Dr Joao Cabral
2016 Imperial College Medal Imperial College London Professor Geoff Hewitt
2016 Fellowship Royal Society of Chemistry Dr Bradley Ladewig
2016 President’s Award for Excellence in Pastoral Care Imperial College London Dr Cleo Kontoravdi
2016 President’s Award for Excellence in Research Outstanding Research Team Imperial College London Professor Nina Thornhill
2016 EPSRC photo competition winner: category 'weird and wonderful' EPSRC Professor Omar Matar
2016 MM Sharma Medal IChemE Professor Roger Sargent
2016 Sargent Medal IChemE Professor Costas Pantelides
2016 Donald Medal IChemE Professor Sakis Mantalaris
2016 Fellowship (FIChemE) IChemE Professor Hans Michels
2016 Award for Excellence in Publications by a Young Member of the Society International Adsorption Society Dr Ronny Pini
2015 Sir George Stokes Award Royal Society of Chemistry Professor Sergei Kazarian
2015 President's Medal for Excellence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Imperial College London Professor Constantinos Pantelides
2015 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching Imperial College London Dr Christos Markides
2015 Sir Eric Rideal Award and Lecture Society of Chemical Industry Professor Paul Luckham
2015 Finalist for Emerging Technologies Competition Royal Society of Chemistry Dr Jason Hallett
2015 Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering Royal Academy of Engineering Professor Claire Adjiman
2015 Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering Royal Academy of Engineering Professor Nilay Shah 
2015 Fellowship of the American Physical Society American Physical Society Professor Omar Matar
2015 CBE Order of the British Empire Professor Stephen Richardson
2014 Guggenheim Medal IChemE Professor George Jackson
2014 Nicklin Medal IChemE Dr Niall Mac Dowell
2014 Sir Frederick Warner Prize IChemE Dr Camille Petit
2014 Ambassador Prize IChemE Professor Paul Fennell
2014 Arnold Greene Medal IChemE Professor Stephen Richardson
2014 Fellowship of the American Physical Society American Physical Society Professor Serafim Kalliadasis
Undergraduate students
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)
2017 The Salters' Institute Graduate Prizes The Salters' Institute Omolegho Udugbezi
2016 Master's student paper competition (4th) Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference Emilie Lunddahl and Wouter Thijssen
2016 Student Activity Awards  Old Centralians' Trust / CGCU Vatsal Shah
2016 Student Activity Awards  Old Centralians' Trust / CGCU Justin Yong
2016 Schwarzman Scholarship Schwarzman Scholars Lejon Chua
2015 Salters' Graduate Prize The Salters' Institute Hannah Moran
2015 Student Activity Awards  Old Centralians' Trust / CGCU Xin Ying Phang 
2015 Student Activity Awards  Old Centralians' Trust / CGCU Zheng Gu
2015 Macnab-Lacey Student Design Award  IChemE Team 2 (Nwachukwu Uzo, Olumayowa Okulate, Priyank Shah, Leona Tan, Yash Dongre, James Ellis, Joseph Wilson, Jaipal Sachdev and Richard Chang)
2014 Foundation Awards EDF, Institute de France European Foundation Yehia Amar and Robert Hughes
Postgraduate students
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)
2018 SCI Scholarship SCI Jona Ramadani
2018 Research Travel Grant  Wiley Women in Research Luciana Miu 
2018 Outstanding Achievement Award  Chinese Government  Shiqi Wang 
2018 Outstanding Poster Award  Characterisation of Porous Material 8th International Conference Humera Ansari
2016 Student Award for Outstanding Achievement Imperial College London Clementine Chambon
2016 Herman Wijffels Innovation Award Rabobank Jiajun Cen
2016 Anglo-Thai Education Award for Excellence in Engineering and Technology Anglo-Thai Society Panatpong Hutacharoen 
2016 Faculty of Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Imperial College London Faculty of Engineering Elton Dias
2016 Students' Choice Award at the 2016 Imperial Graduate School Symposium Imperial College London Graduate School Lorena Fernanda dos Santos de Souza 
2016 2nd Best Poster at the IChemE Young Researchers’ Meeting (Biochemical Engineering Special Interest Group) IChemE Biochemical Engineering Special Interest Group Michal Kopytnski
2016 Travel Award Old Centralians Trust Siyan Chen
2016 Poster prize at the 22nd Chinese Life Scientists Society in the UK Chinese Life Scientists Society in the UK Shiqi Wang
2016 Academic Rep Network PG Team of the Year   Imperial College Union PhD student-staff committee
2016 PhD symposium Awards Department of Chemical Engineering Various
2016 Runner-up Althea-Imperial Imperial College London Florence Gschwend
2016 Mayor of London's Low Carbon Entrepreneurs Mayor of London Ioannis Tzouganatos
2015 Best Young Chemical Engineer in Research - IChemE Global Awards 2015 IChemE Dr Ho Wai Shin
2015 Molecular Physics Early Career Researcher Prize Molecular Physics Nina Ramrattan
2015 Runner-up Althea-Imperial Althea-Imperial Clementine Chambon
2015 Fellowship Echoing Green Clementine Chambon
2015 The Qatar Energy R&D Student Awards for Post Graduate Education Gulf Intelligence Qatar Energy R&D Forum Ibrahim Daher
2015 Best Poster Award at ChemEngDay UK IChemE Manuela Nania
2015 PhD symposium Awards Department of Chemical Engineering Various
2015 Malcolm McIvor CPACT Prize CPACT Andrew Ewing
2015 Shortlisted for Academic Representation Network Postgraduate Team of the Year Imperial College Union PhD student-staff committee
2015 First prize for oral presentation at the UK-Mexico Biorefinery Workshop CONACYT / British Council Bhavish Patel
2015 Shortlisted for Young Chemical Engineer in Research Award at the IChemE Global Awards IChemE Bhavish Patel
2015 Best PhD thesis Spanish Catalysis Society Tomas Ramirez Reina
2015 Best paper in the session at the 11th Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) and the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Emilio Diaz Bejarano
2015 Runner up prize - Materials Literature Review Prize of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Materials Science and Technology Marie Bachelet
2015 Shortlisted for the WISE Tech Start-up Award 2015 WISE Campaign Clementine Chambon
2015 Santander Mobility Award Imperial College London Siyuan Chen
2015 EPSRC Prize Fellowship EPSRC Aiman Alam-Nazki
2015 Best Dissertation of the Year at the 2015 Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference Saif Al Ghafri
2015 Prize for best presentation 4th Latin American Congress on Environmental and Algae Biotechnology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Florence Gschwend
2015 Prize for best poster presentation at the RSC Conference “Renewable chemicals from waste – securing the molecular value from waste streams” Royal Society of Chemistry Florence Gschwend
2015 First prize for poster presentation  BP-ICAM Sofia Marchesini
2015 Best oral presentation at the 5th International Conference on Organic Solvent Nanofiltration 5th International Conference on Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Ethan Butler
2015 Qatar Petroleum Award for PhD Research Excellence in Clean Fossil Fuels Qatar Petroleum Xinyan Huang
Postdoctoral research staff
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)
2018 Chemistry World Entrepreneur of the Year  Royal Society of Chemistry  Dr Clementine Chambon 
2017 Ambassador Award IChemE Dr Clementine Chambon 
2017 IChemE Global Award: Young Researcher Award IChemE Dr Clementine Chambon
2017 Sir William Wakeham award Department of Chemical Engineering Dr Robert Woodward
2017 Sir William Wakeham award Department of Chemical Engineering Dr Petr Yatsyshin
2016 Sir William Wakeham award Department of Chemical Engineering Patrizia Marchetti
2016 Sir William Wakeham award Department of Chemical Engineering Agi Brand-Talbot
2016 Young Membrane Scientist Award North American Membrane Society Patrizia Marchetti
2015 President's Award for Outstanding Early Career Researcher Imperial College London Agi Brand-Talbot
2015 Finalist for Emerging Technologies Competition Royal Society of Chemistry Agi Brand-Talbot
2015 Highly commended for Young Chemical Engineer in Research Award at the IChemE Global Awards IChemE Patrizia Marchetti
2015 Young Academics grants European Membrane Society María Jimenez Solomon
2015 Young Academics grants European Membrane Society Patrizia Marchetti
2015 Sir William Wakeham Award Department of Chemical Engineering James Kimber
2015 Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Royal Society Kyra Sedransk Campbell
2015 Joint first place at Energy Sector PhD Thesis Award Competition Royal Society of Chemistry Lisa Kleiminger
2015 Early Career Researcher Prizes  Molecular Physics Nina Ramrattan
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)
2016 Qatar Petroleum Medal Qatar Petroleum Cheng Peng
2016 Council Medal IChemE Ed Daniels
2016 Damehood Order of the British Empire Judith Hackitt
2015 Winner Young Chemical Engineer in Research Award at the IChemE Global Awards IChemE Ho Wai Shin
2015 Best presentation of the session AIChE Qi Chen
2014 Council Medal IChemE Ken Morrison
2014 Sargent Medal IChemE Ignacio Grossman
Professional staff
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)
2017 President's Awards for Research Support Excellence Imperial College London Angela Lonergan
2016 President’s Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience Imperial College London Susi Underwood
2016 President’s Award for Excellence in Research Support Imperial College London Iain Macdonald
2016 President’s Award for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience Imperial College London Clemens Brechtelsbauer
2016 Fellowship Higher Education Academy Umang Shah
2016 Associate Fellowship Higher Education Academy Andrew Macey
2015 Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy Clemens Brechtelsbauer
2015 President's Medal for Research Support Excellence Imperial College London Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan
2015 President's Award for Excellence in Pastoral Care Imperial College London Andreas Kogelbauer
Team/group awards
Year Award Awarding body Awardee(s)

President's Award for Excellence in External Collaboration and Partnerships   

 Imperial College London   

Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE)

2017 President's Medal for Excellence in External Collaboration and Partnerships Imperial College London

Dr Daryl Williams and the Carbon Capture Pilot Plant Team

2017 IChemE Global Award: Training and Development Award IChemE Carbon Capture Pilot Plant team
2016 9th Industrial Fluid Properties Simulation Challenge AIChE Carmelo Herdes, Åsmund Ervik, Andrés Mejía and Erich Muller
2016 ClimateLaunchpad EU Finals (3rd) Climate-KIC Florence Gschwend, Agi Brandt-Talbot and Jason Hallett
2016 Outstanding Paper Award in the Thermal Management and Control session 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Laura Lanchas-Fuentes, Emilio Diaz-Bejarano, Professor Sandro Macchietto and Francesco Coletti
2015 Shortlisted for Research Project of the Year Award at the IChemE Global Awards IChemE Andrew Livingston & Santanu Karan
2015 Shortlisted for Research Project of the Year Award at the IChemE Global Awards IChemE Sandro Macchietto, Francesco Coletti, Sergei Kazarian, Geoff Hewitt, George Jackson, Christos Markides, Omar Matar, Marcos Millan-Agorio, Erich Muller
2014 Silver Athena SWAN award Athena SWAN Department of Chemical Engineering

Awards Committee

The Department has an Awards Committee, set up specifically to identify suitable awards and nominees, support award nominations, track and coordinate nominations and publicise successes. 

Contact the Awards Committee if you would like to put someone else, or yourself, forward for an award: