Link to offer-holder information

Programmes for 2017

Find the prospectus information for the programme to which you applied.

Information for offer holders

Find out more about your offer, admissions, fees and funding, and accomodation.

Information for new students

Find out more about getting ready to start at Imperial and settling in.

General offer-holder FAQs

Can I visit the Department?

The Admissions Tutor reserves Wednesday and Friday afternoons for meeting potential applicants, offer holders, teachers, HE advisors and parents. If you are able to get to South Kensington then a Departmental tour and observation of the first year mathematics laboratory can be included in your visit. If you are not able to get to South Kensington then a Skype/Facetime meeting can be arranged.

To make the arrangements for a meeting or for further information, please contact the Admissions Tutor ( or

Can I defer my offer?

If your circumstances change, and you would like to defer your offer to the following academic year, please make contact with us as soon as possible.

Although we would hope to be able to accommodate most deferral requests, unfortunately it may not always be possible to do so. It is only possible to defer for one year. 

Please be aware that if you are granted a deferral you will have to meet all of your offer conditions by the deadline set out in your offer.  

I have been accepted on to the programme, what preparation can I do ahead of the start of term?

You can find information about how to prepare for the start of term, including suggested reading, exercises and advice on computer requirements, on our website at XXXXX.

Please contact the Admissions Tutor if you need further advice.

Do I need to apply for ATAS clearance?

You only need to apply for ATAS clearance if you have applied for one of our MRes Programmes (MRes Bioengineering, MRes Medical Device Design Entrepreneurship or MRes Neurotechnology).
ATAS clearance is not needed for any other programmes.

What are the English language requirements?

The Department’s English language requirements for each programme are given in the online prospectuses:

  • UG online prospectus 
  • PG online prospectus 

You can find out about the College’s English language requirements on the English Language Requirements webpage. 

What are the term dates and exam dates?

Imperial College London term dates are available online on the Registry website.

Exams will typically take place during term time around December/January and then May/June, and timetables for these periods are usually released in November and March, respectively.

Where can I find out more about the modules I might be studying?

You can read up on the descriptions of modules on our online module descriptor page

Please note the descriptors are specific to each academic year and may therefore change for your cohort.

Undergraduate offer-holder FAQs

I have received my final results, where do I submit documents to fulfil my offer conditions?

Please see the College information on submitting your offer conditions. 

If I am offered a place to study with Bioengineering could I transfer to another department within the College?

It may be possible for you to transfer to another department (or if you have applied to a different Department, to transfer into Bioengineering), however this is at the discretion of the departments concerned. If you think you may wish to do this please contact the Admissions Tutors in the relevant departments as soon as possible. 

How many contact hours should I expect to have in my first year of study?

The current 1st Year Undergraduate timetable has between 25-30hrs of teaching per week

For incoming first years, is there a mentor system where older students guide and help the first years for the first couple of weeks?

Yes, every first year student has a ‘buddy’ from the older years. This scheme is run by the student-led Bioengineering Society

Students also have a Personal Tutor allocated with whom they meet regularly. In addition, the Departmental Senior Tutor and College Tutors are also available to help.

Where can I find help with accommodation?

The Department of Bioengineering cannot help you with accommodation matters. You can find out about the College’s accommodation service on the website.

What happens if I don’t get my offer grades? Can I apply through clearing?

The Department’s Admissions Tutor will consider your application carefully. Imperial does not participate in UCAS clearing and all admissions decisions made are final.

What financial support is available from the Department?

There are a number of funding opportunities available for undergraduate students. The Department of Bioengineering offers up to 5 Departmental Scholarships each year for exceptional candidates with outstanding academic potential. Additionally, there are a number of scholarships available through the College, including 5 prestigious President’s Undergraduate Scholarships. Find out more about the President’s Undergraduate Scholarships. Please note that there is no need to apply for the Department or President's scholarships as they are allocated as part of the application process. The Scholarship selection criteria is always academic merit or promise together with Bioengineering engagement.

For more information about other scholarship opportunities you can use the College’s scholarships search tool.

Students are also free to pursue external scholarships such as those available from Professional Engineering Institutions or other external organisations:

  • Information on non-Imperial scholarships
  • IMechE scholarships and awards
  • IET Awards and scholarships
  • IOM3 Scholarships, grants and bursaries

Postgraduate offer-holder FAQs

I have received my final results, where do I submit documents to fulfil my offer conditions?

Please see the College's webpage on how to submit your offer conditions.

Is it possible to switch between the MSc Biomedical Engineering and MSc Human and Biological Robotics programmes once I have arrived?

Yes, as long as you meet the entry requirements for both programmes and the consent of both the Programme Directors is obtained, it is likely you would be able to transfer between the programmes in the first two weeks of term. Transfers after term has begun may not be possible, given the differing course content.

What happens if I do not meet my conditional offer?

If you were to receive an offer before your degree result was known, then the offer would be conditional on achieving a 2.1, if you went on to achieve less than this the admissions tutor would consider all the elements of the application before considering the possibility of condoning the shortfall. If you were to be rejected before your degree result was known, and you went on to achieve a 2.1, you could re-apply.

How do I go about choosing an MSc project?

Each year, academics propose the projects that will be opened up to students; during a consultation period of about 10 days, students have the chance to discuss these projects with the supervisors. After that, they will be asked to submit 3 choices via a database; then the supervisors make their decisions and confirm projects to the students. You do not need to be concerned about this process before the start of the programme as everything will be explained to you during the first term. 

On the MSc Biomedical Engineering programme, how do I go about choosing a stream? Is it possible to change streams?

You can find out more about the streams on the MSc on our website at You are also welcome to contact the Admissions Tutor to discuss which stream is most appropriate for you.

You will be asked to choose a stream before you begin the programme, but it may be possible to change stream within the first week or two of term, subject to agreement from the Programme Director and Student Office. After the beginning of term it may not be possible to switch streams due to the different focuses.

Are there any scholarships or bursaries available?

You can find out about the range of scholarship options on the College’s website. There is also a scholarship search tool available.

Help and advice about fees and funding is available on the College's webpage. 

Information on available student loans for postgraduate students is available online.

If you are interested in the Santander scholarships then you do not need to do anything – your Department will automatically consider you for this award, using your submitted application.