The Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London is leading the bioengineering agenda both nationally and internationally, advancing the frontiers of our knowledge in the discipline’s three main areas:
Developing devices, techniques and interventions for human health.
Solving problems related to the life sciences and their applications for health.
Using the structures and functions of living organisms as models for the design and engineering of materials and machines.
In the most recent Research Excellence Framework (2014), 95% of the Department's returned research was judged either world-leading or internationally excellent and in the National Student Survey (2017) 97% overall student satisfaction. We're committed to building on this success expanding both our basic and appliced bioengineering research, and providing excellent training through our popular undergraduate, MSc, MRes, MD(Res) and PhD programmes. Explore our webpages to find out more about the Department, including its history, staff, research and teaching.
Management contacts
- Head of Department: Rylie Green
- Director of Teaching: Spyros Masouros
- Director of Research: Dario Farina
- Director of Postgraduate Studies: Choon Hwai Yap
- Operations Manager: Sneha Saunders