UROP is a research opportunities programme available to continuing students  to participate in real research and appreciate the environment. You can find more details about this programme at http://www.imperial.ac.uk/urop.

Students interested in completing a UROP project over the summer vacation are encouraged to review staff webpages and approach individual members of staff whose research they are interested in to discuss any possible ideas or opportunities.  (Please note that undergraduate students can start the UROP project before the start of the summer vacation only if they have fully completed all of the academic requirements for their current year i.e. all exams, coursework, presentations and all teaching completed).  Please note that the Department does not award credit for UROPS (or other forms of out of termtime work).

Imperial College full-degree undergraduates (ONLY) will be considered (subject to eligibility criteria) for one of the following award schemes:

Key Deadlines

We are still waiting for the 2025 deadlines to be released but the timelines for 2024 for your information can be found below:

  • UROP applications for 2024 will open on  8th January 2024
  • The Expression of Interest for students will close on 15th February 2024.
  • The Application deadline for students will close on  12pm on 19th  February 2024.
  • Supervisors to submit their supporting statement by 23rd February 2024.
  • Students and Supervisors notified if application was successful by 9 April 2024
  • News concerning UROP activity in 2024 can be found here: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/urop

Please note the following:

  • General UROP enquiries to be directed to urop@imperial.ac.uk, funding or allocation queries to be directed to Sian Haynes (Aeronautics Department Operations Manager).
  • In order to apply a student must have provisional approval from a member of academic/research staff (the proposed supervisor) to host them for a UROP. Discuss funding generally with your proposed supervisor before deciding whether to apply. As well as needing their support they may have other funding options available.
  • The UROP project should be between 6 to 12 weeks.
  • Regardless of funding source, all UROP students must complete a UROP Placement Registration form  and return it to Sian Haynes  4 weeks before the scheduled project start date
  • Proposed UROPs can be offered partly or wholly remotely should a supervisor consider this appropriate.
  • Imperial College is striving to be a truly inclusive university and is therefore keen to receive applications for these bursaries from women, disabled and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) candidates as these groups have been under-represented in recent years of the College’s UROP bursary scheme
  • All undergraduates are asked to remember that if you do have a proposed supervisor in time to apply for a College UROP bursary that a.) unless you are a final year student you do have the option to plan for the following summer if the availability on an Award is crucial to you undertaking a UROP; and b.) other sources of funding may be available, perhaps with later deadlines. Speak to your Department about local schemes which may run in parallel. The main UROP website also has a miscellaneous funding page for further advice.
  • Students can broaden their understanding of UROP by consulting https://www.imperial.ac.uk/urop/how-to-get-involved/