Academic References

Many of you will need academic references from the Department as you progress through the course, and apply for internships, UROP posts, accommodation and finally jobs or positions at the end of the course. You should always seek these from your personal tutor, who should always oblige by doing these promptly. The best approach is to send your updated CV and the request to your personal tutor, and if you are worried to check up with them that they have done it. Sometimes however it may transpire that your tutor is away, or there is some other reason why they cannot do it and you need by a deadline so in this case can you please send your request to our Senior Tutor   

Once you graduate, you may still need our support with references and if this is the case, please deal with as per the above i.e. contact your personal tutor in the first instance and if they cannot do or have left then contact the Senior Tutor   Tutor contact details can be found on our website.

Please try to send your requests with as much notice as possible, and at least 2-3 weeks before the deadline.  If urgent, you may wish to follow up with a phone call explaining your constraints.

Verification of qualifications

Please note Imperial College London subscribes to the Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD) online verification service for employers and agencies to verify the qualifications of students and alumni of the College.

The online candidate verification service allows registered enquirers to input data provided by applicants (name, date of birth, institution, year of graduation, qualification classification etc). In real time the service checks the information given against an encrypted dataset from the institution's student records and verifies it if it is matched. Enquirers will be charged a small fee per enquiry.

To make an enquiry you need to register with HEDD. Select Imperial College London from the list of UK higher education institutions and choose the option to 'verify a degree award'. There is a charge of £14 per enquiry. If you require further assistance, please email