The Department has an active student body which is very helpful in assisting us to develop the service and teaching we provide.

The Student-Staff Committees are an important part of this feedback process and each undergraduate and MSc year has  student representatives in addition to the Department Representative who will attend the student-staff committee meetings in the year. The Department Representative also attends both Faculty and Department Teaching Committee Meetings and disseminates information accordingly to students.

 Aeronautics UG Student Reps and AeroSoc Committee

Current Undergraduate Student Reps and Aerosoc Committee members can be found on the Imperial College Union links below.

Staff-Student Committee good practice guidelines

Election process

The student representatives for each year are to be elected in a democratic process by their cohort; Imperial College Union is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all students are represented and that adequate training is provided to all representatives.

Student-Staff Committee guidelines for students and student representatives

The committee meetings are the main forum where matters of common interest between the students and staff are discussed. Representatives of each year report on issues that the student body of that year have raised. Prior to the meeting, the Senior Tutors Dr. Shamsuddin and Dr Hwang, meets and discusses these issues with the year representatives.

To make the meetings as productive as possible the following guidelines must be observed:

(1) The issues raised must concern the whole student cohort of a particular year, not just a few individuals. The year representatives must communicate and discuss with the student body and should bring to the agenda only issues genuine to whole student group. If you want to be a year rep, there is work involved!

(2) The year reps should not wait until the student staff meeting to raise an issue. They should take the initiative and contact the relevant member of staff as soon as a problem or concern arises.

After communicating with the year reps, the Senior Tutor prepares the agenda that is circulated to all staff ahead of the meeting. Staff involved in the agenda items are notified by the Senior Tutor and a response is communicated to the students at the time of the meeting (either directly by the staff involved or by the Senior Tutor).

The meeting is chaired by one of the student representatives and the Senior Tutor acts as Deputy Chair. Minutes are taken by the Undergraduate Office staff, and actions are assigned.

MSc Student-Staff Committees

Separate student-staff meetings are held for each of the MSc programmes and are timetabled one per term and are chaired by the relevant course director and coordinated by the Postgraduate (MSc) Administrator.

However additional meetings can easily be scheduled at student’s request. Minutes are taken by the Postgraduate (MSc) Administrator.