The UK Government has pledged to obtain 15% of the country’s energy from renewable sources by 2020 as part of its efforts to cut greenhouse emissions by 80% between 1990 and 2050, while ensuring that the energy supply is secure and affordable. Scientists and engineers at Imperial are working in collaboration with academia, industry and the government on a range of projects to realise this goal.

Here we have gathered together case studies of the work being done at Imperial College under Energy Futures Lab's Sustainable Power research theme.

Bioreactor Power from pond scum.
Hydrogen is probably the cleanest fuel that can be used to power vehicles and generate electricity. Now researchers at Imperial College London are looking at using green algae to efficiently, and sustainably, produce hydrogen using sunlight.
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Sweet, sweet powerSweet, sweet power
A team in the Department of Chemistry are working on converting the waste water created by the food and biofuel industries into low cost electricity.
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MicroSOC rig Double counting: Getting fuel and energy from our waste
Researchers from the Department of Earth Science & Engineering are looking at combining biogas and fuel cells to maximise energy from waste products.
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