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  • Journal article
    Le Brun N, Simpson M, Acha S, Shah N, Markides CNet al., 2020,

    Techno-economic potential of low-temperature, jacket-water heat recovery from stationary internal combustion engines with organic Rankine cycles: A cross-sector food-retail study

    , Applied Energy, Vol: 274, Pages: 1-14, ISSN: 0306-2619

    We examine the opportunities and challenges of deploying integrated organic Rankine cycle (ORC) engines to recover heat from low-temperature jacket-water cooling circuits of small-scale gas-fired internal combustion engines (ICEs), for the supply of combined heat and power (CHP) to supermarkets. Based on data for commercially-available ICE and ORC engines, a techno-economic model is developed and applied to simulate system performance in real buildings. Under current market trends and for the specific (low-temperature) ICE + ORC CHP configuration investigated here, results show that the ICE determines most economic savings, while the ORC engine does not significantly impact the integrated CHP system performance. The ORC engines have long payback times (4–9 years) in this application, because: (1) they do not displace high-value electricity, as the value of exporting electricity to the grid is low, and (2) it is more profitable to use the heat from the ICEs for space heating rather than for electricity conversion. Commercial ORC engines are most viable (payback ≈ 4 years) in buildings with high electrical demands and low heat-to-power ratios. The influence of factors such as the ORC engine efficiency, capital cost and energy prices is also evaluated, highlighting performance gaps and identifying promising areas for future research.

  • Journal article
    Olympios AV, Pantaleo AM, Sapin P, Markides CNet al., 2020,

    On the value of combined heat and power (CHP) systems and heat pumps in centralised and distributed heating systems: Lessons from multi-fidelity modelling approaches

    , Applied Energy, Vol: 274, Pages: 1-19, ISSN: 0306-2619

    This paper presents a multi-scale framework for the design and comparison of centralised and distributed heat generation solutions. An extensive analysis of commercially available products on the UK market is conducted to gather information on the performance and cost of a range of gas-fired combined heat and power (CHP) systems, air-source heat pumps (ASHPs) and ground-source heat pumps (GSHPs). Data-driven models with associated uncertainty bounds are derived from the collected data, which capture cost and performance variations with scale (i.e., size and rating) and operating conditions. In addition, a comprehensive thermoeconomic (thermodynamic and component-costing) heat pump model, validated against manufacturer data, is developed to capture design-related performance and cost variations, thus reducing technology-related model uncertainties. The novelty of this paper lies in the use of multi-fidelity approaches for the comparison of the economic and environmental potential of important heat-generation solutions: (i) centralised gas-fired CHP systems associated with district heating network; (ii) gas-fired CHP systems or GSHPs providing heat to differentiated energy communities; and (iii) small-scale micro-CHP systems, ASHPs or GSHPs, installed at the household level. The pathways are evaluated for the case of the Isle of Dogs district in London, UK. A centralised CHP system appears as the most profitable option, achieving annual savings of £13 M compared to the use of decentralised boilers and a levelised cost of heat equal to 31 £/MWhth. However, if the carbon intensity of the electrical grid continues to reduce at current rates, CHP systems will only provide minimal carbon savings compared to boilers (<6%), with heat pumps achieving significant heat decarbonisation (55–62%). Differentiating between high- and low-performance and cost heat pump designs shows that the former, although 25% more expensive, have significantly lower annualised

  • Journal article
    Saint-Drenan Y-M, Besseau R, Jansen M, Staffell I, Troccoli A, Dubus L, Schmidt J, Gruber K, Simões SG, Heier Set al., 2020,

    A parametric model for wind turbine power curves incorporating environmental conditions

    , Renewable Energy, Vol: 157, Pages: 754-768, ISSN: 0960-1481

    A wind turbine’s power curve relates its power production to the wind speed it experiences. The typical shape of a power curve is well known and has been studied extensively. However, power curves of individual turbine models can vary widely from one another. This is due to both the technical features of the turbine (power density, cut-in and cut-out speeds, limits on rotational speed and aerodynamic efficiency), and environmental factors (turbulence intensity, air density, wind shear and wind veer). Data on individual power curves are often proprietary and only available through commercial databases. We therefore develop an open-source model for pitch regulated horizontal axis wind turbine which can generate the power curve of any turbine, adapted to the specific conditions of any site. This can employ one of six parametric models advanced in the literature, and accounts for the eleven variables mentioned above. The model is described, the impact of each technical and environmental feature is examined, and it is then validated against the manufacturer power curves of 91 turbine models. Versions of the model are made available in MATLAB, R and Python code for the community.

  • Journal article
    Li J, Ye Y, Strbac G, 2020,

    Stabilizing peer-to-peer energy trading in prosumer coalition through computational efficient pricing

    , Electric Power Systems Research, Vol: 189

    Load balancing issues in distribution networks have emerged alongside the large-scale deployment of distributed renewable generation sources. In light of this challenge, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading constitutes a promising approach for delivering secure and economic supply-demand balance when faced with variable load and intermittent renewable generation through matching energy demand and supply locally. However, state-of-the-art mechanisms for governing P2P energy trading either fail to suitably incentivize prosumers to participate in P2P trading or suffer severely from the curse of dimensionality with their computational complexity increase exponentially with the number of prosumers. In this paper, a P2P energy trading mechanism based on cooperative game theory is proposed to establish a grand energy coalition of prosumers and a computationally efficient pricing algorithm is developed to suitably incentivize prosumers for their sustainable participation in the grand coalition. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by comparing it to state-of-the-art mechanisms through numerous case studies in a real-world scenario. The superior computational performance of the proposed algorithm is also validated.

  • Journal article
    Ameli H, qadrdan M, Strbac G, 2020,

    Coordinated operation of gas and electricity systems for flexibility study

    , Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol: 8, ISSN: 2296-598X

    The increase interdependencies between electricity and gas systems, driven by gas-fired power plants and gas electricity-driven compressors, necessitates detailed investigation of such interdependencies, especially in the context of increased share of renewable energy sources.6 In this paper, the value of an integrated approach for operating gas and electricity systems is assessed. An outer approximation with equality relaxation (OA/ER) method is used to deal with the optimization class of mixed integer non-linear problem of integrated operation of gas and electricity systems. This method significantly improved the efficiency of the solution algorithm and achieved nearly 40% reduction in computation time compared to successive linear programming. The value of flexibility technologies including flexible gas compressors, demand side response, battery storage, and power-to-gas is quantified in the operation of integrated gas and electricity systems in GB 2030 energy scenarios for different renewable generation penetration levels. The modeling demonstrates that the flexibility options will enable significant cost savings in the annual operational costs of gas and electricity systems (up to 21%). On the other hand, the analysis carried out indicates that deployment of flexibility technologies support appropriately the interaction between gas and electricity systems.

  • Journal article
    Olympios AV, Le Brun N, Acha S, Shah N, Markides CNet al., 2020,

    Stochastic real-time operation control of a combined heat and power (CHP) system under uncertainty

    , Energy Conversion and Management, Vol: 216, Pages: 1-17, ISSN: 0196-8904

    In this paper we present an effort to design and apply a multi-objective real-time operation controller to a combined heat and power (CHP) system, while considering explicitly the risk-return trade-offs arising from the uncertainty in the price of exported electricity. Although extensive research has been performed on theoretically optimizing the design, sizing and operation of CHP systems, less effort has been devoted to an understanding of the practical challenges and the effects of uncertainty in implementing advanced algorithms in real-world applications. In this work, a two-stage control architecture is proposed which applies an optimization framework to a real CHP operation application involving intelligent communication between two controllers to monitor and control the engine continuously. Since deterministic approaches that involve no measure of uncertainty provide limited insight to decision-makers, the methodology then proceeds to develop a stochastic optimization technique which considers risk within the optimization problem. The uncertainty in the forecasted electricity price is quantified by using the forecasting model’s residuals to generate prediction intervals around each forecasted electricity price. The novelty of the proposed tool lies in the use of these prediction intervals to formulate a bi-objective function that represents a compromise between maximizing the expected savings and minimizing the associated risk, while satisfying specified environmental objectives. This allows decision-makers to operate CHP systems according to the risk they are willing to take. The actual operation costs during a 40–day trial period resulting from the installation of the dynamic controller on an existing CHP engine that provides electricity and heat to a supermarket are presented. Results demonstrate that the forecasted electricity price almost always falls within the developed prediction intervals, achieving savings of 23% on energy costs against

  • Conference paper
    Olympios A, Hoisenpoori P, Mersch M, Pantaleo A, Simpson M, Sapin P, Mac Dowell N, Markides Cet al., 2020,

    Optimal design of low-temperature heat-pumping technologies and implications to the whole energy system

    , The 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.

    This paper presents a methodology for identifying optimal designs for air-source heat pumps suitable for domestic heating applications from the whole-energy system perspective, accounting explicitly for a trade-off between cost and efficiency, as well as for the influence of the outside air temperature during off-design operation. The work combines dedicated brazed-plate and plate-fin heat-exchanger models with compressor efficiency maps, as well as equipment costing techniques, in order to develop a comprehensive technoeconomic model of a low-temperature air-source heat pump with a single-stage-compressor, based on the vapour-compression cycle. The cost and performance predictions are validated against manufacturer data and a non-linear thermodynamic optimisation model is developed to obtain optimal component sizes for a set of competing working fluids and design conditions. The cost and off-design performance of different configurations are integrated into a whole-energy system capacity-expansion and unit-dispatch model of the UK power and heat system. The aim is to assess the system value of proposed designs, as well as the implications of their deployment on the power generation mix and total transition cost of electrifying domestic heat in the UK as a pathway towards meeting a national net-zero emission target by 2050. Refrigerant R152a appears to have the best design and off-design performance, especially compared to the commonly used R410a. The size of the heat exchangers has a major effect on heat pump performance and cost. From a wholesystem perspective, high-performance heat pumps enable a ~20 GW (~10%) reduction in the required installed power generation capacity compared to smaller-heat-exchanger, low-performance heat pumps, which in turn requires lower and more realistic power-grid expansion rates. However, it is shown that the improved performance as a result of larger heat exchangers does not compensate overall for the increased technology cost, with

  • Conference paper
    Sapin P, Simpson M, Olympios A, Mersch M, Markides Cet al., 2020,

    Cost-benefit analysis of reversible reciprocating-piston engines with adjustable volume ratio in pumped thermal electricity storage

    , 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2020), Publisher: Curran Associates, Inc.

    Decarbonisation of heating, cooling and/or power services through the utilisation of renewable en-ergy sources relies on the development of efficient and economically-viable energy storage technolo-gies, ideally without geographical constraints. Pumped thermal electricity storage (PTES) is a strongcandidate technology – along with reversible Rankine cycle, (advanced adiabatic) compressed airenergy storage (CAES), and liquid air energy storage (LAES). One of the leading PTES variants isthe reversible Joule-Brayton cycle engine, where energy is stored as sensible heat in hot and coldthermal stores, while the temperature difference is achieved through gas compression and expansionprocesses. For cost reasons, and to achieve high round-trip efficiencies, it is advantageous for thecompression and expansion machines used in PTES plants to be reversible. Positive-displacementdevices offer this possibility. In particular, recent developments in pneumatically or electromagneti-cally actuated intake and exhaust valves could pave the way for high-efficiency reversible reciprocat-ing compression-expansion devices based on variable-valve control in real time. Advanced variablevalve timing (VVT) is a promising feature that allows piston machines not only to be operated bothas reversible compression and expansion devices, but also to maintain high efficiencies over a widerange of operating conditions, thanks to the possibility of adjusting the built-in volume ratio of a par-ticular machine. With enhanced part-load performance, such disruptive piston machines offer greatpotential for round-trip efficiency enhancement and cost minimisation of PTES storage plants. In thiswork, a cost-benefit analysis of innovative VVT-fitted reciprocating-piston technology is performedusing: (i) comprehensive dynamic reduced-order models to predict the compressor-expander perfor-mance for design optimisation, and (ii) Schumann-style one-dimensional models for simulating heatand mass transf

  • Conference paper
    Kim I-C, Daina N, Sivakumar A, 2020,


    , 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities
  • Journal article
    Subramanyam A, Gounaris C, Wiesemann W, 2020,

    K-adaptability in two-stage mixed-integer robust optimization

    , Mathematical Programming Computation, Vol: 12, Pages: 193-224, ISSN: 1867-2949

    We study two-stage robust optimization problems with mixed discrete-continuous decisionsin both stages. Despite their broad range of applications, these problems pose two fundamentalchallenges:(i)they constitute infinite-dimensional problems that require a finite-dimensional ap-proximation, and(ii)the presence of discrete recourse decisions typically prohibits duality-basedsolution schemes. We address the first challenge by studying aK-adaptability formulation thatselectsKcandidate recourse policiesbeforeobserving the realization of the uncertain parame-ters and that implements the best of these policiesafterthe realization is known. We addressthe second challenge through a branch-and-bound scheme that enjoys asymptotic convergencein general and finite convergence under specific conditions. We illustrate the performance of ouralgorithm in numerical experiments involving benchmark data from several application domains.

  • Journal article
    Ameli H, Qadrdan M, Strbac G, Ameli MTet al., 2020,

    Investing in flexibility in an integrated planning of natural gas and power systems

    , IET Energy Systems Integration, Vol: 2, Pages: 101-111, ISSN: 2516-8401

    The growing interdependencies between natural gas and power systems, driven by gas-fired generators and gas compressors supplied by electricity, necessitates detailed investigation of the interactions between these vectors, particularly in the context of growing penetration of renewable energy sources. In this research, an expansion planning model for integrated natural gas and power systems is proposed. The model investigates optimal investment in flexibility options such as battery storage, demand side response, and gas-fired generators. The value of these flexibility options is quantified for gas and electricity systems in GB in 2030. The results indicate that the flexibility options could play an important role in meeting the emission targets in the future. However, the investment costs of these options highly impact the future generation mix as well as the type of reinforcements in the natural gas system infrastructure. Through deployment of the flexibility options up to £24.2b annual cost savings in planning and operation of natural gas and power systems could be achieved, compared to the case that no flexibility option is considered.

  • Journal article
    Gangar N, Macchietto S, Markides C, 2020,

    Recovery and utilization of low-grade waste heat in the oil-refining industry using heat engines and heat pumps: an international technoeconomic comparison

    , Energies, Vol: 13, Pages: 2560-2560, ISSN: 1996-1073

    We assess the technoeconomic feasibility of onsite electricity and steam generation from recovered low-grade thermal energy in oil refineries using organic Rankine cycle (ORC) engines and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) heat pumps in various countries. The efficiencies of 34 ORC and 20 MVC current commercial systems are regressed against modified theoretical models. The resulting theoretical relations predict the thermal efficiency of commercial ORC engines within 4–5% and the coefficient of performance (COP) of commercial MVC heat pumps within 10–15%, on average. Using these models, the economic viability of ORC engines and MVC heat pumps is then assessed for 19 refinery streams as a function of heat source and sink temperatures, and the available stream thermal energy, for gas and electricity prices in selected countries. Results show that: (i) conversion to electrical power with ORC engines is, in general, economically feasible for heat-source temperatures >70 ◦C, however with high sensitivity to energy prices; and (ii) steam generation in MVC heat pumps, even more sensitive to energy prices, is in some cases not economical under any conditions—it is only viable with high gas/low electricity prices, for large heat sources (>2 MW) and higher temperatures (>140 ◦C). In countries and conditions with positive economics, payback periods down to two years are found for both technologies.

  • Journal article
    Jing R, Kuriyan K, Lin J, Shah N, Zhao Yet al., 2020,

    Quantifying the contribution of individual technologies in integrated urban energy systems – A system value approach

    , Applied Energy, Vol: 266, ISSN: 0306-2619

    Integrated urban energy systems satisfy energy demands in a cost-effective manner by efficiently combining diverse technologies and energy saving strategies. However, the contribution of an individual technology within a complex system is difficult to quantify. This study introduces a generalized “system value” approach to quantify the contribution of an individual design decision towards improving the system design (e.g., achieving a lower cost design). It measures the contribution of an individual technology to the whole system in the range between two benchmarks that respectively represent complete exclusion of the technology and the optimal penetration level. The method is based on a technology-rich Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model for optimal design of urban energy systems. The model considers multi-energy supply technologies, networks, storage technologies and various energy saving strategies. A stochastic formulation is further developed to quantify uncertainties of the system value. The system values of nine kinds of energy supply technologies and three categories of energy-saving strategies are quantified via a case study, which illustrates the variation in the system values for individual technologies with different levels of penetration, and multi-energy supply technologies can have a large impact in integrated systems.

  • Conference paper
    Li J, Ye Y, Strbac G, 2020,

    Stabilizing Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Prosumer Coalition Through Computational Efficient Pricing

    , 21st Power Systems Computation Conference

    Load balancing issues in distribution networks have emerged alongside the large-scale deployment of distributed renewable generation sources. In light of this challenge, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading constitutes a promising approach for delivering secure and economic supply-demand balance when faced with variable load and intermittent renewable generation through matching energy demand and supply locally. However, state-of-the-art mechanisms for governing P2P energy trading either fail to suitably incentivize prosumers to participate in P2P trading or suffer severely from the curse of dimensionality with their computational complexity increase exponentially with the number of prosumers. In this paper, a P2P energy trading mechanism based on cooperative game theory is proposed to establish a grand energy coalition of prosumers and a computationally efficient pricing algorithm is developed to suitably incentivize prosumers for their sustainable participation in the grand coalition. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by comparing it to state-of-the-art mechanisms through numerous case studies in a real-world scenario. The superior computational performance of the proposed algorithm is also validated.

  • Journal article
    Kozarcanin S, Hanna R, Staffell I, Gross R, Andresen GBet al., 2020,

    Impact of climate change on the cost-optimal mix of decentralised heat pump and gas boiler technologies in Europe

    , Energy Policy, Vol: 140, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 0301-4215

    Residential demands for space heating and hot water account for 31% of the total European energy demand. Space heating is highly dependent on ambient conditions and susceptible to climate change. We adopt a techno-economic standpoint and assess the impact of climate change on decentralised heating demand and the cost-optimal mix of heat pump and gas boiler technologies. Temperature data with high spatial resolution from nine climate models implementing three Representative Concentration Pathways from IPCC are used to estimate climate induced changes in the European demand side for heating. The demand side is modelled by the proxy of heating-degree days. The supply side is modelled by using a screening curve approach to the economics of heat generation. We find that space heating demand decreases by about 16%, 24% and 42% in low, intermediate and extreme global warming scenarios. When considering historic weather data, we find a heterogeneous mix of technologies are cost-optimal, depending on the heating load factor (number of full-load hours per year). Increasing ambient temperatures toward the end-century improve the economic performance of heat pumps in all concentration pathways. Cost optimal technologies broadly correspond to heat markets and policies in Europe, with some exceptions.

  • Journal article
    Le Varlet T, Schmidt O, Gambhir A, Few S, Staffell Iet al., 2020,

    Comparative life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery chemistries for residential storage

    , Journal of Energy Storage, Vol: 28, ISSN: 2352-152X

    Residential storage deployment is expected to grow dramatically over the coming decade. Several lithium-ion chemistries are employed, but the relative environmental impacts of manufacturing them is poorly understood. This study presents a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment to quantify the environmental impact of five prominent lithium-ion chemistries, based on the specifications of 73 commercially-available battery modules used for residential applications. Three impact categories (global warming potential, cumulative energy demand and mineral resource scarcity) are analysed across two functional units (storage capacity and lifetime energy delivered). Most chemistries have embodied carbon footprints of around 200 kg CO2e per kWh of useable storage capacity, which corresponds to 43–84 g CO2e per kWh of lifetime energy delivered with daily cycling operation. Energy delivered on energy invested is also calculated at values of 2–4, which falls to 0.54–0.66 with the energy for charging included (cf. a round-trip efficiency of 82–89%). Environmental impact depends more on cycling frequency than chemistry choice, and none of the battery chemistries convincingly outperforms the others. Cells only constitute a third to a half of the environmental impact, which is comparable to the inverter. Routes to making residential lithium-ion battery systems more environmentally benign include reducing the reliance on cobalt, nickel and copper, increasing the specific useable energy, developing comprehensive recycling initiatives, and maximising the utilisation (cycle frequency) once in operation.

  • Journal article
    Fu P, Pudjianto D, Zhang X, Strbac Get al., 2020,

    Integration of hydrogen into multi-energy systems optimisation

    , Energies, Vol: 13, Pages: 1606-1606, ISSN: 1996-1073

    Hydrogen presents an attractive option to decarbonise the present energy system. Hydrogen can extend the usage of the existing gas infrastructure with low-cost energy storability and flexibility. Excess electricity generated by renewables can be converted into hydrogen. In this paper, a novel multi-energy systems optimisation model was proposed to maximise investment and operating synergy in the electricity, heating, and transport sectors, considering the integration of a hydrogen system to minimise the overall costs. The model considers two hydrogen production processes: (i) gas-to-gas (G2G) with carbon capture and storage (CCS), and (ii) power-to-gas (P2G). The proposed model was applied in a future Great Britain (GB) system. Through a comparison with the system without hydrogen, the results showed that the G2G process could reduce £3.9 bn/year, and that the P2G process could bring £2.1 bn/year in cost-savings under a 30 Mt carbon target. The results also demonstrate the system implications of the two hydrogen production processes on the investment and operation of other energy sectors. The G2G process can reduce the total power generation capacity from 71 GW to 53 GW, and the P2G process can promote the integration of wind power from 83 GW to 130 GW under a 30 Mt carbon target. The results also demonstrate the changes in the heating strategies driven by the different hydrogen production processes.

  • Journal article
    Romanos P, Voumvoulakis E, Markides CN, Hatziargyriou Net al., 2020,

    Thermal energy storage contribution to the economic dispatch of island power systems

    , CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol: 6, Pages: 100-110, ISSN: 2096-0042

    In this paper the provision of flexible generation is investigated by extracting steam from Rankine-cycle power stations during off-peak demand in order to charge thermal tanks that contain suitable phase-change materials (PCMs); at a later time when this is required and/or is economically effective, these thermal energy storage (TES) tanks can act as the heat sources of secondary thermal power plants in order to generate power, for example as evaporators of, e.g., organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plants that are suitable for power generation at reduced temperatures and smaller scales. This type of solution offers greater flexibility than TES-only technologies that store thermal energy and release it back to the base power station, since it allows both derating but also over-generation compared to the base power-station capacity. The solution is applied in a case study of a 50-MW rated oil-fired power station unit at the autonomous system of Crete. The optimal operation of the TES system is investigated, by solving a modified Unit Commitment – Economic Dispatch optimization problem, which includes the TES operating constraints. The results indicate that for most of the scenarios the discounted payback period is lower than 12 years, while in few cases the payback period is 5 years.

  • Journal article
    Qiu D, Ye Y, Papadaskalopoulos D, Strbac Get al., 2020,

    A Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Pricing Electric Vehicles with Discrete Charging Levels

    , IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, ISSN: 0093-9994

    The effective pricing of electric vehicles (EV) charging by aggregators constitutes a key problem towards the realization of the significant EV flexibility potential in deregulated electricity systems, and has been addressed by previous work through bi-level optimization formulations. However, the solution approach adopted in previous work cannot capture the discrete nature of the EV charging / discharging levels. Although reinforcement learning (RL) can tackle this challenge, state-of-the-art RL methods require discretization of state and / or action spaces and thus exhibit limitations in terms of solution optimality and computational requirements. This paper proposes a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) method to solve the examined EV pricing problem, combining deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) principles with a prioritized experience replay (PER) strategy, and setting up the problem in multi-dimensional continuous state and action spaces. Case studies demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art RL methods in terms of both solution optimality and computational requirements, and comprehensively analyze the economic impacts of smart-charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) flexibility on both aggregators and EV owners.

  • Journal article
    Emadi MA, Chitgar N, Oyewunmi O, Markides Cet al., 2020,

    Working-fluid selection and thermoeconomic optimisation of a combined cycle cogeneration dual-loop organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system for solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) waste heat recovery

    , Applied Energy, Vol: 261, Pages: 1-20, ISSN: 0306-2619

    A novel combined-cycle system is proposed for the cogeneration ofelectricityand cooling, in which a dual-loop organic Rankine cycle (ORC)engine is used for waste-heat recovery from a solidoxide fuel cellsystem equipped witha gas turbine(SOFC-GT). Electricity is generated by the SOFC, its associated gas turbine, the two ORC turbines and a liquefied natural gas (LNG)turbine; the LNGsupply tothe fuel cell is also used as the heat sink to the ORC enginesandas a cooling medium for domestic applications. The performance of the system with 20 different combinationsof ORC working fluids isinvestigated by multi-objective optimisationof its capitalcostrateand exergy efficiency, using an integrationof a genetic algorithm and a neural network. The combination of R601(top cycle) and Ethane(bottom cycle)isproposed for the dual-loop ORC system, due to the satisfaction of the optimisationgoals, i.e., an optimal trade-off between efficiency and cost.With theseworking fluids, the overall system achieves an exergy efficiency of51.6%, a total electrical powergeneration of1040kW, with the ORC waste-heat recovery system supplying 20.7% of thispower,and a cooling capacityof 567kW. In addition, an economic analysisof theproposed SOFC-GT-ORCsystemshowsthat the cost of production of an electrical unit amounts to$33.2perMWh, which is 12.9%and 73.9%lowerthan the levelized cost of electricityofseparateSOFC-GT and SOFC systems,respectively. Exergy flow diagrams are usedto determine the flow rate of the exergy andthe value of exergy destructionin each component. In the waste heat recovery system,exergy destruction mainly occurs within theheat exchangers, the highestof which isin the LNG cooling unit followedby the LNG vaporiser and the evaporator ofthe bottom-cycleORCsystem, highlightingthe importance of these components’designin maximising the performance of the overall system.

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