
The Teaching and Learning (T&L) Product Board is a sub-committee of the College Education and Student Experience Committee co-chaired by the Assistant Provost (Learning and Teaching) and the ICT Head of Digital Education Services. It works closely with the College Operations Committee where there are operational considerations relating to and impacting digital aspects of learning and teaching. It makes recommendations to the Education and Student Experience Committee to support digital education. It has devolved authority from the Education and Student Experience Committee to oversee the ICT roadmaps and investment priorities for Digital Education and the Teaching and Learning Product Line.

Terms of Reference

  • To advise the Education and Student Experience Committee on matters of strategy and resource allocation for digital education activities. In particular, the Board makes recommendations regarding the College’s digital strategy in line with the overarching aims of the College’s Learning and Teaching Strategy, Digital Learning Strategy and ICT Technology Office strategic principles.
  • To advance the College’s capability in educational technology through the coordination and sponsorship of strategic initiatives and through the evaluation and review of platforms and partners.
  • To have oversight of the activities of the Digital Education Services teams and the Learning and Teaching product line roadmap and investment priorities and champion the agreed vision and benefits of the product line.
  • To make investment decisions related to people, technology and process for teaching and learning delivery products. This includes:
    • Providing oversight of the product line progress against key deliverables, related functionality and benefits realisation, and ensuring it is running to time and within budget.
    • Identifying and managing risks, issues and opportunities, and proposing mitigation for these.
    • Identifying and understanding business and technical issues, concerns or comments on the products and the services delivered through the product line.
  • To approve product roadmaps and changes, including related technology plans. This includes:
    • Identifying dependencies and interdependencies within the product line and other product lines.
    • Identifying new business or technical issues and opportunities, preparing an assessment of costs, resource, timing, benefits and impact within technology guiderails.
    • Addressing escalations concerning product delivery.
    • Identifying business change requirements and ensuring these are communicated and reviewed.
    • Receiving and evaluating product delivery team reports.
  • To communicate the Learning and Teaching Product line delivery plans to Faculties, academic departments, and professional services.
  • To report regularly to the Education and Student Experience Committee, as well as adhoc as required.

Core Membership

  • Assistant Provost (Learning and Teaching) (Co-Chair)
  • ICT Head of Digital Education Services (Co-Chair)
  • Deputy President (Education), Imperial College Union
  • Vice-Dean (Education), Imperial College Business School
  • Academic Lead Digital Education (FoM)
  • Vice-Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering
  • Vice-Dean (Education), Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Chair of Digital Innovation Fund
  • Director of CHERS
  • ICT Head of Products
  • Head of Strategic Projects and Operations, Education Office
  • Director of Student Administration
  • Head of Digital Media Lab
  • Representative of Data Analytics, Evaluation & Monitoring Sub-group
  • Representative of Digital Tools Sub-group
  • Representative of Training & Development Sub-group
  • Representative of Digital Assessment Sub-group
  • Representative of AV & Physical Infrastructure Sub-group

(Designated substitute attendees have been allocated for each of the subgroups and for certain Board members; and they shall be granted access to papers accordingly).

Standing agenda:

  1. Actions and Decisions (with context detail) from Previous Session – Assistant Provost(L&T)
  2. Review of Teaching and Learning Product Line Roadmap – Updates, Issues & Backlog– ICT Head of Digital Education Services
  3. Review of Currently Active Product Development, Including Change Requests, Resourcing and Risks - ICT Head of Digital Education Services
  4. Overview of Product Delivery & Development from Other Product Lines (Quarterly) - ICT Head of Products
  5. Discussion of monthly written reports from T&L Board Sub-groups
  6. AOB