On this page:
  • What is disclosing?
  • Will disclosing automatically put my support in place?
  • Ways of disclosing
  • What happens to the information I disclose?

What is disclosing?

Disclosing is telling Imperial that you have an impairment or disability that meets the requirements of the Equality Act (2010). You can disclose at any point during your studies at Imperial. Disclosing does not mean you will be treated unfavourably or face discrimination. On the contrary, it enables us to ensure you are provided with the support that you are entitled to during your time here.

Will disclosing automatically put my support in place?

Disclosing a disability or impairment will not lead to your support automatically being put in place. For this to happen, you first must make an appointment with a disability advisor. It is very important that you meet with one of our advisors to discuss your needs fully. Without this meeting, it is possible that you won't get any of the support to which you could be entitled.   

Ways of disclosing

Disclosing as part of your UCAS application to Imperial

If you disclose a disability or impairment on your UCAS form or other application to Imperial, this information will be entered onto your registry student record. This information is confidential personal information and is covered by the Data Protection Act. You should not rely on this disclosure to alert your department to any additional support requirements or needs that you might have.  
Even if you have disclosed as part of your UCAS application, we strongly recommend making an appointment with the Disability Advisory Service.

Disclosing to the Disability Advisory Service

You can disclose to the Disability Advisory Service by emailing us, by meeting with an advisor, or by sending us a copy of your evidence. However, we strongly recommend you make an appointment with an advisor to ensure any support or adjustments you may require are put in place. 

Disclosing to your department

You can disclose a disability or impairment by informing someone in your department, for example, the departmental disability officer. This information is not automatically passed to the Disability Advisory Service, so if you would like us to know, please either:

Disclosing by updating your student record

You can disclose by updating your student record via My Imperial. Disclosing by this method will not lead to your support automatically being put in place. For this to happen, you first must make an appointment with a disability advisor.  

Whichever method you choose to disclose, you must meet with a disability advisor in order to get the support and adjustments you require.  

What happens to the information I disclose?

When you tell Imperial that you have a disability or impairment, you are in effect declaring that you may have support needs. However, you need to get in touch with the Disability Advisory Service separately in order to clarify what these needs might be and to ensure that appropriate support is put in place.

When you meet with a disability advisor, we use the information you provide to us to put in place any required adjustments and support. Only staff members involved in your direct student experience will know (for example, your departmental disability officer). Please read the Data Protection and Confidentiality page for more details on how the Disability Advisory Service uses your information.  

Top tip

Make an appointment with us as soon as possible to ensure reasonable adjustments can be put in place for the start of the term.