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  • Conference paper
    Chaudhuri AS, Cheung PYK, Luk W, 1997,

    A reconfigurable data-localised array for morphological algorithms

    , Pages: 344-353, ISSN: 0302-9743

    This paper describes a parallel array architecture for performing morphological operations on images using dynamically reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays. The key feature of this architecture is the data- localised arrangement, which significantly reduces data flow and continuous reconfiguration, which leads to efficient utilisation of the area. The development of implementations of the various possible operations in morphological algorithms, using skeletonisation as an example, is discussed.

  • Conference paper
    Molina PA, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    A Quasi Delay-Insensitive Bus Proposal for Asynchronous Systems

    , Third International Symposium on Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, The Netherlands, April 1997
  • Conference paper
    Cheung PYK, Scotti MV, 1997,

    High-speed arithmetic design using CPL and DPL logic

    , Proceedings of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference, September 1997
  • Conference paper
    Barry G, Cheung PYK, Toumazou C, 1997,

    Knowledge engineering for analogue design facilitation

    , IEEE ISCAS '97 Proceedings, Pages: 1496-1499
  • Conference paper
    Luk W, Shirazi N, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Compilation Tools for Run-Time Reconfigurable Designs

    , IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, Napa, California, April 1997
  • Conference paper
    Bormann DS, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    A novel globally asynchronous locally synchronous sliding window DFT implementation

    , VLSI'97, August 1997
  • Conference paper
    Barry G, Cheung PYK, Toumazou C, 1997,

    Knowledge engineering for analogue design facilitation

    , IEEE ISCAS '97 Proceedings, Pages: 1496-1499
  • Conference paper
    Sousa JT, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Improved Diagnosis of Realistic Interconnect Shorts

    , European Design and Test Conference, March 1997
  • Journal article
    De Sousa JT, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Diagnosis of Boards for Realistic Interconnect Shorts

    , Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Vol: 11, Pages: 157-171
  • Conference paper
    Chaudhuri AS, Cheung PYK, Luk W, 1997,

    Reconfigurable data-localised parallel array architecture for morphological algorithms

    , Proceedings of FPL '97, Sept. 1997, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 344-353
  • Conference paper
    Luk W, Shirazi N, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Pipeline morphing and cirtual pipelines

    , Proceedings of FPL'97, Sept., 1997
  • Conference paper
    Demirel H, Clarke TJW, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Automatic segmentation of training set for facial feature detection

    , 1997 International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing - Trends in Information Systems Engineering and Wireless Multimedia Communications, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 984-988
  • Journal article
    Alwan M, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Modelling and handling uncertainties in mobile robotics

    , JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol: 5, Pages: 205-217, ISSN: 1064-1246
  • Conference paper
    Wyman R, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Bit Plane differential EZW for the Compression of Video for Bariable Bandwidth Channels

    , IEEE International Symposiums on Circuits and Systems
  • Conference paper
    Luk W, Shirazi N, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Pipeline morphing and virtual pipelines

    , Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Publisher: Springer Verlag, Pages: 111-120
  • Conference paper
    Cheung PYK, Luk W, Mackinlay PI, Sandiford Ret al., 1997,

    Riley-2: A lexible platform for codesign and dynamic reconfirgurable computing research

    , Proceedings of FPL '97, Sept. 1997
  • Conference paper
    Bormann DS, Cheung PYK, 1997,

    Asynchronous wrapper for heterogeneous systems

    , IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, October 1997
  • Journal article
    Koskinen T, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Hierarchical tolerance analysis using statistical behavioral models

  • Conference paper
    Sousa JT, Shen T, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Realistic Fault Extraction for Boards

    , ED & TC 1996
  • Journal article
    Koskinen T, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Hierarchical Tolerance Analysis Using Statistical Behavioral Models

    , IEEE Trans.Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol: 15, Pages: 505-516
  • Conference paper
    Demirel H, Clarke T, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Adaptive automatic facial feature segmentation

    , Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (Cat. No. 96TB100079), Pages: 277-282
  • Conference paper
    Luk W, Shirazi N, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Modelling and optimising run-time reconfigurable systems

    , Proc. IEEE Symp. on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, IEEE Computer Society Press, Pages: 167-176
  • Conference paper
    Molina PA, Cheung PYK, Bormann DS, 1996,

    Quasi delay-insensitive bus for fully asynchronous systems

    , 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Circuits and Systems Connecting the World (ISCAS 96), Publisher: I E E E, Pages: 189-192
  • Conference paper
    Molina PA, Cheung PYK, Bormann DS, 1996,

    Quasi delay-insensitive bus for fully asynchronous systems

    , 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.Circuits and Systems Connecting the World, ISCAS 96 (Cat. No. 96CH35876)
  • Conference paper
    Albaharna OT, Cheung PYK, Clarke TJ, 1996,

    On the viability of FPGA-based integrated coprocessors

    , IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, Publisher: I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS, Pages: 206-215
  • Conference paper
    Cheung PYK, Luk W, Mackinlay PI, 1996,

    Hardware-software cosynthesis for the Riley system

    , IEE Colloquium on Hardware-Software Cosynthesis for Reconfigurable Systems (Digest No. 1996/036), Pages: 10/1-10/5
  • Conference paper
    Zhuang N, Benten MST, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Improved Variable Ordering of BDDS with Novel Genetic Algorithm

    , IEEE International Symposiums on Circuits and Systems, Atlanta
  • Conference paper
    Bormann DS, Molina PA, Cheung PYK, 1996,

    Combining asynchronous ans synchronous circuits using stretchable clocks

    , IEE Colloquium on Design and Test of Asynchronous Systems (Ref. No. 1996/040), Pages: 4/1-4/8
  • Conference paper
    Albaharna OT, Cheung PYK, Clarke TJ, 1996,

    On the Viability of FPGA-based Integrated Coprocessors

    , IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press
  • Conference paper
    Alwan M, Cheung PYK, Saleh A, Nour ECheikh Obeidet al., 1996,

    Combining Goal-Directed, Reactive, and Reflexive Navigation in Autonomous Mobile Robots

    , Proc. IEEE Australia and New Zealand Conf. on Intelligent Information Systems, Pages: 346-349

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