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  • Conference paper
    Valk S, Chen Y, Nguyen M, Toivonen T, Mougenot Cet al., 2022,

    Ideation and Consequence Scanning Beyond Human Perspectives in Biodesign

    , Design Research Society 2022

    Biodesign is an emerging interdisciplinary field which is accelerated by recent advance-ments in biotechnology and engineering. The field offers novel opportunities to design in-novative processes, products, services, materials and experiences. However, designing with the living and incorporating organisms into human-centric solutions raises critical ques-tions about ethics, handling of species, human dominated power dynamics and exploitative behaviours. The purpose of this workshop is to explore and discuss these critical questions from more than human perspectives and acknowledge biases in biodesign. The workshop offers an opportunity for this exploration through two interactive activities: firstly, bi-odesign idea generation with support from Design x Science cards, and secondly, conse-quence scanning – a guided activity that provides an opportunity to mitigate potential harms and innovate responsibly. An expected outcome of the workshop is shared under-standing about potential implications of biodesign innovations on nonhuman collaborators. Participants can also expect to experience use of a novel creativity support tool for bi-odesign ideation. This workshop is inviting participants with diverse backgrounds and interests (interdisciplinary ideation, bio-sciences, innovation, responsible design, multispecies ethics) with or without prior related experience). We aim to build a connected interdisci-plinary community within DRS that can positively impact the emergence of responsible bioeconomy.

  • Conference paper
    Nguyen QT, Laly M, Kwon BC, Mougenot C, McNamara Jet al., 2022,

    Moody Man: Improving creative teamwork through dynamic affective recognition

    , CHI 2022 - ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Publisher: ACM, Pages: 1-14

    While a significant part of communication in the workplace is now happening online, current platforms don’t fully support socio-cognitive nonverbal communication, which hampers the shared understanding and creativity of virtual teams. Given text-based communication being the main channel for virtual collaboration, we propose a novel solution leveraging an AI-based, dynamic affective recognition system. The app provides live feedback about the affective content of the communication in Slack, in the form of a visual representation and percentage breakdown of the ‘sentiment’ (tone, emoji) and main ‘emotion states’ (e.g. joy, anger). We tested the usability of the app in a quasi-experiment with 30 participants from diverse backgrounds, linguistic analysis and user interviews. The findings show that the app significantly increases shared understanding and creativity within virtual teams. Emerged themes included impression formation assisted by affective recognition, supporting long-term relationships development; identified challenges related to transparency and emotional complexity detected by AI.

  • Conference paper
    Valk S, Chen Y, Mougenot C, 2021,

    Towards a designerly way of thinking for bioengineers with ‘Design and Science’ cards

    , IASDR 2021
  • Journal article
    Maurya S, Mougenot C, Takeda Y, 2021,

    Impact of Mixed Reality implementation on early-stage interactive-product design process

    , Journal of Engineering Design, Vol: 32, Pages: 1-27, ISSN: 0954-4828

    This article proposes a novel approach towards quick concept generation and validation of interactive-product behaviours. When designing for user-product interactions, designers have to consider spatial and behavioural elements besides form/tangible aspects and perform quick-validation of the generated concepts often done through functional prototyping at later design stages. As a result, the designed-outcomes often depend on parameters like designer’s familiarity with the design tools used, the level of fidelity achieved while prototyping and the frequency of design-iterations, limiting a thorough-exploration of concept-space and outcomes’ creativity at the early design stages. This research targets such dependencies and non-creative hindrances at concept generation stage through a Mixed Reality implementation. This work establishes requirements for creating a suitable design-tool and presents a proof-of-concept use-case. A design task to ideate, create and revise concepts of playful product-behaviours swiftly was performed to assess the impact of the implemented method. In an empirical study, a broader exploration of solution-space and an overall improvement in creative output-flow was observed when compared to the design-outcomes in the traditional storyboard design approach. Though the implemented design-tool’s unfamiliarity and capability presented a challenge, a significant increase in usage of iterative concept-design behaviour was observed throughout the study.

  • Journal article
    Haritaipan L, Mougenot CJM,

    Cross-cultural Study of Tactile Interactions in Technologically Mediated Communication

    , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN: 0302-9743
  • Journal article
    Arrighi P-A, Maurya S, Mougenot CJM,

    Towards Co-designing with Users: A Mixed Reality Tool for Kansei Engineering

    , IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ISSN: 1868-4238

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