
BibTex format

author = {Valk, S and Chen, Y and Nguyen, M and Toivonen, T and Mougenot, C},
title = {Ideation and Consequence Scanning Beyond Human Perspectives in Biodesign},
year = {2022}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Biodesign is an emerging interdisciplinary field which is accelerated by recent advance-ments in biotechnology and engineering. The field offers novel opportunities to design in-novative processes, products, services, materials and experiences. However, designing with the living and incorporating organisms into human-centric solutions raises critical ques-tions about ethics, handling of species, human dominated power dynamics and exploitative behaviours. The purpose of this workshop is to explore and discuss these critical questions from more than human perspectives and acknowledge biases in biodesign. The workshop offers an opportunity for this exploration through two interactive activities: firstly, bi-odesign idea generation with support from Design x Science cards, and secondly, conse-quence scanning – a guided activity that provides an opportunity to mitigate potential harms and innovate responsibly. An expected outcome of the workshop is shared under-standing about potential implications of biodesign innovations on nonhuman collaborators. Participants can also expect to experience use of a novel creativity support tool for bi-odesign ideation. This workshop is inviting participants with diverse backgrounds and interests (interdisciplinary ideation, bio-sciences, innovation, responsible design, multispecies ethics) with or without prior related experience). We aim to build a connected interdisci-plinary community within DRS that can positively impact the emergence of responsible bioeconomy.
AU - Valk,S
AU - Chen,Y
AU - Nguyen,M
AU - Toivonen,T
AU - Mougenot,C
PY - 2022///
TI - Ideation and Consequence Scanning Beyond Human Perspectives in Biodesign
ER -

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