data science winter school

Engage with Imperial academics!
3 to 14 February 2025

Data Science is successfully adding value to all the business models by using statistics and deep learning to make better decisions. A growing number of companies are now hiring data scientists to crunch data and predict possible situations and risk for businesses.

This winter school is designed for undergraduate students studying IT, computing or any engineering degrees at a well-recognised university, with an interest in data science. Students will be introduced to the concept, develop an understanding of data science, hear from industry expert on data science applications and work in teams towards a technical project.

Students will:

  • Learn the concept of Data Science;
  • Develop an understanding of data analysis, AI, machine learning for data science, exploratory data analysis and visualization;
  • Learn about data science products;
  • Understand the real-world applications in data science and hear from industry expert;
  • Get an insight into advances in data science;
  • Gain an understanding of data privacy and ethics;
  • Learn from research experts in data economy and block chain;
  • Develop valuable professional skills in team building, communication and presentation;
  • Experience team-based learning through a technical data science project;
  • Practice and improve their English language.

Students will be working in project teams to create a technical demonstration and to engage with Imperial supervisors throughout the programme.  Previous projects include developing a brain tumour detector device.

In addition, students will have an opportunity to meet and discuss with Imperial ambassadors online, sharing their experiences on what it is like to study in a world class university and to discuss opportunities for future study.

Arrival and Departure Dates:

Arrival date: 2 February
Departure date: 16 February

For queries, or further information please contact:

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