Thursday 19 September



Topic Area and Title of Presentation:


08.15- 09.00        Registration - Tea/Coffee  

09.00 -09.15





  • Imperial's research objectives; CSEI past and future accomplishments
  • Today's programme in the overall context on research and practical implementation
  • Associates and key speakers



Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng, CBE, EBS, FREng

Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Interim Director, Institute for Security Science and Technology

09.15 -09.30



Programme Overview:

  • Need for a Systems Approach to Infrastructure
  • Programme Purpose and Components. 


Seema Alim, PhD, PE

Programme Director & Hon Fellow Imperial College.

Vice President and Programme Director, Jacobs Engineering Group.






Infrastructure Policy:

 “Incorporating complexity and interdependencies into policy decision making in the UK and the role of IPA, UK”

  • Incorporating complexity and interdependencies in policy decisions.
  • Importance of policies to support innovative technologies for smart, sustainable development.
  • Role of IPA in infrastructure policy and systems approach.
  • Impact of the lack of enabling regulatory environments on infrastructure development,                                                                         

Richard Ploszek

Engineering Infrastructure Specialist, Infrastructure and Projects Authority

10.15-10.30 Coffee Break  



Case Studies:  “Planning, design and construction of T5”


Dervilla Mitchell, DBE, FREng

Deputy Chair of Arup Group




Lessons Learned:

 “Lessons Learned from mega programmes - What went wrong, how it was cured and the future?”


Mark Wild, OBE, FREng

CEO of HS2, former CEO SGN and former CEO of Crossrail
12.00-13.00 Lunch  






Programme Management as a ‘Systems Approach’ to implementation:

“A systems approach to managing programme complexity, interdependencies and interfaces.”




Seema Alim, PhD, PE

Programme Director & Hon Fellow Imperial College.

Vice President and Programme Director, Jacobs Engineering Group.


13.45 -14.30



Systems Thinking:

 “Blending Systems Thinking and Programme Management – a transport case study.”


John Pelton, MBE

Professor of Construction Management at UCL and Enterprise Programme Director at Costain.


14.30 -15.00




Systems Thinking for Programme Recovery:

“Systems thinking for end-to-end infrastructure programme recovery.”

  • Using systems thinking and integration as a key enabler for infrastructure programme recovery.
  • Insights for handling volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in a rapidly changing environments.
  • Case Study to support the leadership theory for programme recovery in transport, oil & gas, aviation sectors.

Russell Pilgrim, FICE, FIoD, MIET, MBA, B.Sc (Hons)

European Head of Programme Management,

East-West Rail Programme Partner Director, Jacobs Engineering Group.


Coffee Break




Infrastructure Financing:

 “Infrastructure Financing Methods and Models of Alternate Financing and Procurement.”

Professor Gilles Chemla

Professor of Finance, Imperial College London




Emerging Technologies:

“Role of emerging technologies and contribution of start-ups in infrastructure implementation."


Mireille Elhajj, PhD, FRIN, MCIHT

CEO Astra-Terra Limited

Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London.




Systems Engineering Research:

“Current direction of Systems Research and future pathways.”


Mark Enzer, OBE, FREng

Visiting Professor, Imperial College,

VP & CTO, Mott MacDonald


Friday 20 September

  Topic and Title of Presentation Speaker
09.00-09.30 Tea/Coffee  






Course Summary:

“Summary of the course content, presentations, case studies, lessons learned and path forward.”




Seema Alim, PhD., PE

Programme Director & Hon Fellow Imperial College.

Vice President and Programme Director, Jacobs Engineering Group.
















Round Table Discussion:

  • The expectations, perspectives and challenges of the public and private sector in infrastructure development from RFP to delivery.
  • Policy and planning requirements to achieve the SDGs.
  • Ways to use P3 effectively for major infrastructure programmes.














Professor Jeni Giambona

Director of Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise, University of Southampton Business School

Lord Toby Harris

Chair of National Preparedness Commission

Fergus Harradence

Deputy Director, Construction, Sustainability and Infrastructure Directorate, Department for Business and Trade 

Adam Locke

Project Director, Laing O’Rourke

Mireille Elhajj, PhD, FRIN, MCIHT

CEO Astra-Terra Limited