"We've had great success recruiting students from Imperial for our engineering roles across Google offices globally. We've found that these students have a strong foundation of core computing skills and a creative approach to problem solving, which makes them a great fit." - Google
Ocado Technology
"Imperial undergraduates, graduates and post graduates always feature heavily in our recruitment plans for internships, graduates and experienced hires".- Ocado Technology
Industry links and careers
All our graduates possess extensive core Computing skills and have extensive hands-on experience of state-of-the-art computing methods, systems, technologies and applications. They also know how to adapt to technological change, with its challenges and opportunities. As a result, our graduates are some of the most sought-after worldwide and command some of the highest average starting salaries in the UK.
Career opportunities
An Imperial Computing degree opens the door to an enormous range of career options. Many graduates take on engineering roles in areas such as application/web development, networking, AI, media, finance, robotics, computer games, chip design, cyber security, data management, bio-medical systems and transport. Other roles drawn on our graduates’ mathematical expertise, in areas such as financial modelling and quantitative analysis. Some students move into management and consultancy and some even start their own businesses. Academic research, e.g. leading to a PhD, is also a popular route for some.
Alumnus career paths
Read testimonials from our alumnus to find out the career paths they took after graduation.
Industrial links
We have close relationships with many of the major employers of Computing graduates, including the big tech companies, major finance houses and a host of other IT-related companies and start-ups.
Many students participate in industrial internships during the summer recess and all our MEng students undertake an industrial placement between their third and fourth years. A large number of students are offered permanent positiosn in their internship/placement companies when they graduate.
Corporate Partnership Programme
We also have close links with many partner companies through our Corporate Partnership Programme (CPP). This is designed to facilitate close interaction between partner organisations and students through industrial placements, internships and technical talks delivered as part of our Application of Computing in Industry lecture series. Students can take advantage of the CPP Web Portal, which allows students to register their CVs and for CPP members to browse them and advertise opportunities to students.
All income gained by the Department from the membership payments by the partner institutions is used for the benefit of the students. These memberships allow us to be able to support a wide range of student activities, for example attending conferences, presenting research papers and attending national and international programming competitions.
Our corporate partners also sponsor bursaries and prizes for outstanding student achievement such as academic excellence in examinations, or exemplary individual and group project work. These prizes are displayed on our web site and major sponsored prizes are announced at Imperial's annual Commemoration Day ceremonies. Some funds are also reserved to provide financial support to students in need.
Companies involved in recent internships and placements include:
- Amadeus
- Amazon
- Barclays
- Blackrock
- Bloomberg
- Cisco
- Citadel
- Commerzbank
- Confluent
- Credit Suisse
- Flextrade
- G-Research Limited
- Hadean Supercomputing
- Improbable
- J.P. Morgan
- Chase & Co.
- Jetstack
- Microsoft
- Mindlink
- Morgan Stanley
- Netcraft
- Next Jump
- NHS Digital
- Open Systems
- Palantir Technologies
- Precision Robotics
- Rakuten
- Schlumberger
- Solidatus
- The Hut Group
- Thought Machine
- Unity Technologies