Hamed Haddadi, Reader, at Imperial-X

Is a Reader in Human-Centred Systems at the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. He is also apart of Imperial-X (I-X) where he lead the Privacy and Security Research Area.

His research interests are in User-Centred Systems, IoT, Applied Machine Learning, Privacy, and Human-Data Interaction


Islem Rekik, Senior Lecturer at Imperial-X

Her research interests are Machine and Deep Learning, Predictive Intelligence in Medicine, Network, Neuroscience, and Holistic AI.

Pedro Mediano, Lecturer

Pedro did a Physics degree at the University of Valencia, and a PhD at Imperial College.

His research lies at the intersection between consciousness science, information theory, complexity science, and machine learning. I strive to ground my research in solid mathematical and theoretical grounds, and whenever possible I publish open-source software to make my research accessible and reproducible. 

Nicole Salomons, Lecturer at Imperial-X 

Is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Imperial College London in the Department of Computing. She is also part of the exciting new Imperial-X initiative. Her research focuses on developing robots that shape human interactions in complex and dynamic environments throughout day-to-day tasks. She does this by building robots that create user models and give personalized feedback for long-term skill acquisition. Additionally, she studies different ways that robots can positively influence people.

Calvin Tsay, Lecturer

Is a Lecturer (US Assistant Professor) in the Computational Optimisation Group (COG) within the Department of Computing, supported by an EPSRC David Clarke Fellowship. His research interests are in the areas of optimisation algorithms, process dynamics/control, optimisation for machine learning, and process systems engineering.

Personal website


Roberto Bondesan, Senior Lecturer, at Imperial-X

Roberto is a Senior Lecturer at I-X and his research interests are quantum computing, machine learning, and optimisation.