Introduction to Yelp's Internal Platform-as-a-Service: PaaSTA


Robert Johnsonlogo


In this talk, Rob Johnson will give an introduction to PaaSTA: a PaaS built on top of open-source tools including Mesos, Marathon, and Chronos. PaaSTA provides tooling for developers to quickly turn their microservice into a monitored, highly available application spanning multiple datacenters. One of the key goals of PaaSTA is to provide the ‘glue’ to bring these tools together without burdening developers with the complexity behind such a multifaceted system. Rob will explore how Yelp is building PaaSTA to meet these goals. He’ll cover a number of topics, including a description of what is required from developers to deploy a service with PaaSTA, a rundown of the tools used by PaaSTA to make this happen, and the workflow used by developers to update and maintain their services on PaaSTA.

speaker bio

Robert works as a Site Reliability Engineer on the team creating PaaSTA, Yelp’s internal platform-as-a-service. He comes from a development background, having worked in the digital publishing and social media advertising industries, but has always had a deep interest in operations and and backend systems.

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