Module aims
In this module you will have the opportunity to learn how modern database systems are structured and get and overview of the recent developments in database technology. In particular, you will learn how to model relational databases, normalise relational schemas and write SQL queries.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module you will be able to:
- compare and contrast different database models and supporting architectures
- model information in a relational system
- optimise a relational schema and demonstrate correctness of optimisations
- design relational queries and write SQL queries
- set up a database, implement a schema as well as the queries
- ascertain the benefits of separating physical and logical models
Module syllabus
Database systems
Relational model
Database design
Entity-relationship modelling
Functional dependencies, keys and normal forms
Relational database languages
Relational algebra
Views integrity and security
Transaction management and concurrency
Teaching methods
The material will be taught through traditional lectures, backed up by assessed coursework designed to reinforce the material as it is taught. The lecturer will also discuss tutorial-style questions during class where relevant.
An online service will be used as a discussion forum for the module.
There are several assessed coursework exercises which collectively contribute 20% of the mark for the module. There will be a final written exam, which counts for the remaining 80% of the marks.
Written feedback on the assessed coursework exercises will be returned electronically within two weeks of submission. You will also receive formative feedback during classes.
Reading list
SQL in a nutshell: a desktop quick reference, 4th Edition
4th edition., O'Reilly Media, Inc.
SQL in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference.
Fourth edition /, O'Reilly
Supplementary reading
Database systems : a practical approach to design, implementation and management
Global, sixth edition., Boston : Pearson
Database systems : a practical approach to design, implementation, and management
Sixth edition, global edition., Pearson Education Limited
Database systems : the complete book
Second, Pearson New International edition., Harlow, Essex, England : Pearson
Fundamentals of Database Systems.
6th ed., Pearson Education UK
Database management systems
3rd ed., McGraw-Hill