Our contribution to Complexity

Although distinct definitions of Complexity may exist across the academic spectrum, most researchers are likely to agree on the fundamental characteristics the led to the birth of Complexity as a science:

  • The inter- disciplinary nature of the science through coexistence of ideas
  • The focus on explaining how different systems work in the real world - and how their agents adapt
  • The focus on the emerging phenomena arising from interconnection and interdependencies of agents
  • The evolutionary, non-stationary nature of those systems

Therefore, in order to access and begin to address such questions, theoretical investigations are often best carried out in close collaboration with researchers working on a variety of real systems. 

These elements inspired us to form the Centre for Complexity Science at Imperial College London. Core to our research is the exchange of ideas, joint research and collaboration with academics from distinct fields of study from Imperial College and other institutions, as well as partnership with businesses and economic sectors. Our objectives are:-

  • To be a beacon guiding researchers using complexity in any area to find experts and experience in complexity research.
  • To provide an intellectual forum to exchange ideas in basic Complexity theory and from different areas where Complexity ideas are employed.
  • To provide a physical home that can be used by any student or visitor from any research areas who is using Complexity in their work.
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