Colourful Abstract Wave

Key Information

Chief Investigator Dr Brian Halliday

ICTU collaboration: Operations, Database


Trial registration:  NCT05410873

Status:  Recruiting 

MitoDCM: Examining the effects of mitochondrial oxidative stress in dilated cardiomyopathy

In dilated cardiomyopathy, the function of the energy producing centres in our cells, the mitochondria, declines. Reduced energy production may contribute to heart muscle dysfunction and heart failure. We will investigate if it is possible to promote heart recovery by improving the function of mitochondria, using a health supplement called MitoQ.

We will investigate whether MitoQ leads to recovery in heart function amongst patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. This is a double blinded study in which we will randomise 106 patients giving half MitoQ and half a placebo for one year.  We will compare the symptoms and the heart function of the groups after one year. Participants will attend three study visits. They will have heart MRI scans, an electrocardiogram, blood sampling, symptom questionnaires and a six minute walking test.


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