Climate Cares works to generate evidence, awareness of and solutions for the interconnections between climate change and mental health.

See the Connecting Climate Minds Global Research and Action Agenda for Climate Change and Mental Health.
See some of our highlights below, or click through to all our outputs, including published research and briefing papers, and our collaborations.

Our research highlights

Working with young people

We have explored how the dual crises of climate change and mental health are impacting the wellbeing of young people around the world, including in the UK. See our publication in The Lancet.

Synthesising evidence

Our reviews of the literature explore the ways in which climate change and mental health are linked, particularly rising temperatures.

Making recommendations

Our briefing paper highlights opportunities for improving mental health and emotional wellbeing though climate action, and our Delphi study develops global recommendations across sectors.

See all our research outputs.

How does climate change affect our mental health?

The mental health impacts of climate change

There is growing evidence that climate change can have direct and indirect effects on mental health.

We are committed to better understanding the problem and developing appropriate responses.

Watch this video by Climate Cares and the Grantham Institute.