
Useful resources for Civil and Environmental Engineering students


Podcasts can be fun, entertaining and interesting, and more often than not you’ll learn something new! They are a great way to  relax, help you go to sleep, take a break and can also be a good distraction if you are feeling low, anxious or stressed. Click here for details of some of the more popular podcasts covering a variety of topics, which are all available on a variety of platforms for free—there should be something for everyone! There are many, many, many more podcasts than are listed  below. This is just a starting point… 

Guided Breathing Recordings

Please click below for recordings of guided breathing recordings:

Short Guided Meditation Recording

Student Wellbeing Advisor

Michelle Langan

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6111

Room 309, Skempton
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Michelle is available in the Department on Monday's and Tuesday's. 

Disabilities Liaison Officer

Madiha Sajid

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6045
Room: 416, Skempton