Crystallography serviceAnyone interested in submitting a sample, or being trained to run their own, should contact the Crystallography Service Manager, Dr Andrew J.P. White (


Crystallography charges a £40 per hour "flat" rate for all service samples. 50% rate (i.e. £20 per hour) for user samples i.e. DIY crystals. There are 3 charging bands:

  • Crystals that make it to the diffractometer but not to data collection will be charged for 1 hour. (£40 service, £20 user)
  • Crystals that run for up to 4 hours will be charged for 4 hours (£160 service, £80 user)
  • Crystals that run for longer than 4 hours will be charged for 8 hours (£320 service, £160 user)

For any queries regarding charging contact the facility manager.

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