Probably accordion:

Room bookings

Visitor parking

A0 printing

Comms stuff - awards, news, website

How to advertise a PhD studentship

Frequently asked questions

Requests to book rooms for conferences, meeting, seminars and other non-timetabled events should be sent to with complete details of your event, number of attendees, type of room required.

For all teaching bookings (e.g. to schedule or re-arrange lectures, tutorials, meetings for coursework etc.) please contact Rituparna Saha directly at

Students wishing to book rooms for a group meeting related to timetabled teaching (e.g. Final Year Design meetings) should also contact Rituparna directly.

Members of staff who do not hold an annual parking permit can book a parking space on campus on a very occasional basis. The booking will not be charged for, subject to the following criteria:

  • The reason for bringing a car into work is directly related to the ability to carry out an important task as part of their role at the College.
  • The booking is made with the Car Parking Office at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Individuals only make very occasional use of this facility.

Official College visitors can park free of charge providing they have been booked in advance. Bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

To book a space, complete a booking form and email it to either Severine Toson or Pim Amrit.