Students apply to specific projects, with available projects advertised on the ICB CDT studentships page.

1. Please apply via My Imperial with the details below:

FieldDetails to include
Course type Postgraduate Taught (Postgraduate Masters/MRes, Intercalated)
Academic programme Chemical Biology and Bio-Entrepreneurship [1+3] (MRes 1YFT + PhD 3YFT)
Entry term / proposed start date Autumn 2032/2024 / 02.10.2023
Proposed research topic Chemical Biology CDT
Applying on the Imperial College Gateway

2. Please clearly indicate in your statement of support ("research proposal") which project(s) you are applying to (you will be able to upload this once you've submitted the first part of the application).

NOTE: You need only one application on My Imperial to apply to multiple projects, if you submit a second application to the gateway it will be automatically returned.  

3. Please send Emma Pallett an email notifying us that you are applying to the ICB CDT studentships and specifying which project(s) you are applying to.

Chemistry research (PhD)

We strongly encourage applicants who already hold an MRes qualification to consider applying to our Chemical Biology and Bio-Entrepreneurship [1+3] (MRes 1YFT + PhD 3YFT) programme. We are happy to discuss questions you may have surrounding this.

If you have an MSci, MSc or MChem then you will need to apply to the option above, Chemical Biology and Bio-Entrepreneurship [1+3] (MRes 1YFT + PhD 3YFT)

If you already have an Master's of Research (MRes) and want to apply to the CDT, you can apply directly to the PhD course code:

FieldDetails to include
Course type Doctoral
Academic programme Chemistry Research (PhD)
Entry term / proposed start date Autumn 2023/2024 02.10.2023
Proposed research topic Chemical Biology CDT
Applying on the Imperial College Gateway
Chemistry Research (PhD)

Please send Emma Pallett an email notifying us that you are applying to the ICB CDT studentships and specifying which project(s) you are applying to.

Date last reviewed: 13 January 2023

Date last updated: 13 January 2023


Contact us

Project Manager:
Emma Pallett

Dr Laura Barter