
Supervisors must fulfill the usual College criteria for eligibility to act as a PhD supervisor. At least two supervisors on the application must hold an academic position at Imperial that is tenured over the complete period of the studentship. This does not mean that Imperial supervisors who do not hold a position for the full four year period cannot apply. However, in such circumstances a third supervisor (from Imperial) who could continue the student supervision (if the original supervisor's tenure was not extended) would have to be added.


The supervisors should provide different skill sets, and the most usual division will be to have one "medical/biological/agri science/personal care" and one "physical/ engineering/ mathematics/industry 4.0" supervisor.

These definitions are not meant to be restrictive, nor are they necessarily defined by departmental affiliations. What is important is exposure of the student to multiple disciplines, wherever these are located.

External supervisors

The primary supervisor must be Imperial based. Non-Imperial supervisors may be included but at least two supervisors on the application must hold an academic position at Imperial, as it is vital that the student has a multidisciplinary lab experience. The inclusion of external supervisors should be discussed with the CDT director/ deputy directors before submission of the application form. Please contact them early in the process.

Student registration

For reporting and auditing purposes of the CDT award, all students will be registered in Chemistry, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the supervisors. If there are no Chemistry supervisors, a formal supervisor from Chemistry (either the director or one of the deputy directors of the ICB CDT) will be added at 1% for administrative purposes.

Cap on number of applications

A maximum of 2 applications per supervisor is allowed for a given studentship call.


Contact us

Project Manager:
Emma Pallett

Dr Laura Barter