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Celebrating 70 Years of Humanities at Imperial

A video reflecting on 70 years of humanities teaching at Imperial College London


Imperial staff and alumni reflect on 70 years of humanities teaching and learning at Imperial College London.

March 2020 saw the 70th anniversary of humanities at Imperial College London, which began with the first Touchstone Weekend at Silwood Park on 11th March 1950.

To celebrate this milestone year, the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication put in place a year-long programme of events exploring the rich and diverse history of humanities at the College. Working with our partners and collaborators, the campaign was to showcase the wide variety of activities taking place today, as well as looking ahead to what the future might hold.

March 2020 now has a significance of its own in the UK and beyond, with the first national lockdown at the onset of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Shortly after the Humanities@70 Launch event on 5th March, the College closed for the rest of the academic year.

Whilst many of the campaign's scheduled events were unable to go ahead, Humanities@70 was celebrated with a launch event and pop-up exhibition in the College's Exhibition Road atrium in March. A video (above) celebrating the College's has also been produced, drawing on the experiences of students and staff, past and present.

Read about the Humanities@70 exhibition and launch event. 


"This year-long programme celebrates the history of humanities at Imperial, 70 years after the visionary Touchstone Weekends. But we also look to the future, reflecting on the importance of humanities and the arts in a STEMM education in the 21st century, on their contribution to the cultural and intellectual life of College and their role in building a cross-cultural community of staff and students."

Professor Roberto Trotta, CLCC Director 2015-2020