Video on Presentations

Career Snapshot - Presentations

A presentation can form part of your interview process or assessment centre. Topics could be preassigned in advance or given on the day. They are common in graduate and internship recruitment and in application for MSc or PhD studies. 

Start with the short video Career Snapshot: Presentations which gives an overview of how best to prepare and tips for delivery. Presentations allow an employer to assess your communication skills and how you convey a topic, story or concept.

Presentations tabs

What to expect

Presentations are often part of selection processes for internships, jobs, or further study, allowing recruiters to evaluate your communication, presentation, and public-speaking skills. Typically, they last five to ten minutes, with assessors asking questions afterward to see if you can clearly and effectively communicate ideas.

You may receive your topic in advance or on the day, and in some cases, you may need to collaborate on a group presentation with other candidates. Whatever the scenario, be sure to follow the assessors' guidelines on content, timing, structure, and available technology.

Topics can vary greatly but could include:

  • something about you, such as a hobby or an interest that you’re passionate about
  • a research project, or your dissertation
  • a business problem the company is facing
  • the fundamentals of a technical aspect required for the role applied for


The key to delivering a successful presentation is thorough preparation. Think about the format and content of your presentation, the logistics of the event, and rehearse your delivery.

Ensure you know the following:

  • The length of the talk – this will help you plan the amount of content you can include
  • The audience and equipment – this will help plan the level of detail and the format

With this information you can start to plan the content. You may find it helpful to consider the following when developing the outline:

  • The audience and their level of understanding on the subject.
  • Make your talk interesting by including data and examples to illustrate the points that you are trying to make.
  • Keep it simple and aim for three or four big ideas in a five-minute talk.
  • Structure your presentation by firstly giving the audience an outline of the content, then deliver the content and conclude by restating, very briefly, the key points.
  • Concentrate on clear communication rather than overloading your audience with mass detail and be prepared to answer supplementary questions.
  • Use generative AI to suggest content and structure can give you a great starting point in preparing a great presentation. For more information see our webpage on using Generative AI as a careers tool.

Visual Aids

Flipcharts, handouts or PowerPoint can greatly enhance your presentation if used appropriately. They should illustrate and highlight key points rather than repeat what you are saying:

  • Think carefully about font size, layout, colour and images.
  • Avoid overcrowding slides with text or animations as this can distract the audience from your input.
  • Use brief bullet points as these are easier for the audience to read than long sentences. You want your audience to be listening to you, not reading copious notes.
  • Do not read from the slides as this becomes boring and repetitive for the audience. Instead, you should talk around your slides and give more detail.
  • A storyboard can help develop your slides and ensure that the narrative builds as you progress through the presentation.
  • Check spelling carefully.
  • Save digital presentations with an appropriate file name so it’s easy to identify when you come to present. Check if it should be sent to your assessors in advance or brought on a memory stick.
  • Finally prepare for the unexpected – it’s a good idea to have a few copies of your material printed just in case there is a problem with the computer. You can always use the paper copies as handouts for the audience.

Rehearsal & Delivery

Preparation is the key to success:

  • When you’re ready to start check the audience is also ready then take a deep breath, smile, and begin by introducing yourself and your presentation topic. This will help calm your nerves and give a strong start point.
  • It’s good to remember that you’re presenting to your audience not at them so try to look at them and show enthusiasm.
  • Try to stand reasonably still and don’t fiddle or fidget with clothing or jewellery as it distracts your audience.
  • Try to modulate your voice throughout the presentation generate interest in your topic and to engage the audience.
  • Be mindful of the rate at which you speak – in can be tempting to speed up or slow down your delivery.
  • Conclude the presentation by restating the main points. Finish by thanking the audience and inviting any questions.

Handling Questions:

  • It’s common to take questions after your presentation. These may dig a little deeper into the topic or explore your thought process when constructing the presentation.
  • To answer these well it’s a good idea to thank the questioner for their question and repeat it to help clarify what’s being asked. You can then pitch your answer and check back to the questioner that they’re satisfied with your response.
  • If you don’t have an answer you can comment that it’s a great question and something that you’d need to look into further.

Presenting via video conference

You may be asked to deliver your presentation over video conference software like Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams.

The same principles apply as with face-to-face delivery, with some additional points to consider:

  • Check your audience can see your slides.
  • Check your audience can see and hear you.
  • Remember, in platforms like MS Teams and Zoom you can use the laser pointer functionality which can be useful when navigating through slides or highlighting specific content.

It’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the technology in advance, and check the College blog post Looking better on video calls by Thomas Angus, College Photographer and Image Manager for advice on how to present yourself well during video calls.

Further Support

To find out about different types of presentation you might face, as well as advice on how to prepare, please watch Career Essentials - Presentations developed by the Careers Service.

If you would like to practise your presentation in advance, you can book an appointment with a Careers Consultant via JobsLive.

A good way to develop your skill set, and watch some successful presenters, is by watching these short talks and courses:

There are also some useful links for further reading below: