
BHF DTP students at the Uren

Imperial BHF Student Symposium 2024

We would like to invite you to join this year’s BHF Student Symposium for an afternoon of amazing presentations about the journey into patient engagement in cardiovascular disease and to attend please email

The symposium will be on Thursday 26 September 2024, 15:00 – 18:00 at the Uren Building, Level 12. It will be followed by refreshments and a networking opportunity. Several representatives from key industry sponsors will be present and visitors will have the opportunity to meet them.

Past symposia, seminars and meetings


2024 Events

Dr Arun Sau - In conversation with Dr Kathryn McGurk

Dr Kathryn McGurk, a BHF CRE Immediate Fellow interviewed Dr Arun Sau, a Clinical Research Fellow & Cardiology Registrar who has recently won several young investigator awards across different cardiovascular conferences.

Dr McGurk organised this call with Dr Sau to get tips for abstract/presentation/how to answer questions at award interviews. This presentation has been formalised into a recorded interview so that others too can benefit from this. To see the presentation, please visit -

BHF Centre of Research Excellence Annual Symposium 2024

Joint Symposium - Imperial BHF Centre for Research Excellence and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) - Thursday 11th July – 9:00-17:00, Stadium Room, Scale Space, 58 Wood Lane, London W12 7RZ


2023 Events

BHF Centre of Research Excellence Annual Symposium 2023

Joint Symposium Imperial BHF CRE and Dementia Research Institute (DRI)
The heart brain axis: zooming in on vascular dementia - Friday 5th May 2023, White City Campus, 12th Floor Uren Building. Please download a Programme of the day.


2022 Events

BHF CoRE Postdoctoral Seminar: Biobanks for Cardiovascular Research –  watch here

Date: Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 (GMT) 
Venue: Hammersmith Campus, ICTEM Building, Seminar Room 4 and online 

Prof. David Hunter, Chief Science Advisor at Our Future Health, and Prof. Paul Elliott, member of the International Scientific Advisory Board at Biobank UK, gave a detailed overview of two of the main UK biobanks available to researchers, covering what data is collected, current research utilising the biobank, and future plans. 

BHF CoRE Postdoctoral Seminar: The Ins and Outs of Cardiac MRI –  watch here.

Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 (GMT) 
Venue: South Kensington Campus, ACEX 207 and online 

Dr Antonio de Marvao, clinical lecturer in Cardiology at Imperial College London, kicked off the BHF CoRE Seminar series with a tutorial on cardiac MRI, including the basics of cardiac anatomy, the fundametals and physics behind cardiac MRI, ongoing MRI based research within Imperial, and potential future paths forward in combining AI methods and MRI.


2021 Events

Personalised Medicine: Reflecting Diversity

Date: Monday 22 November 2021, 18:30 – 21:00 (GMT)
Venue: Great Hall, Sherfield Building (West), South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London SW7 2AZ

Imperial College London and the BHF Alumni & Networks Team cordially invite you to an evening of presentations and discussion!
There will be three deep dive presentations into contemporary personalised medicine. The presentations will be followed by Q & A and a drinks reception in the Queen’s Tower Rooms.

This is an hybrid event and all registrants will receive a link to access the YouTube event livestream. There will be some opportunity to join in person.
For more details and to book your ticket please click here

BHF Centre of Excellence Annual Symposium

 The BHF Imperial Centre for Research Excellence will host its Annual Symposium on Monday 25th October 2021 - 13:30 - 17:30. It will be a virtual event on Microsoft Teams.

There will be a wide range of talks from themes in the Centre and it will be an opportunity to bring all those interested in cardiovascular health together and to highlight BHF-funded research to those that fund us. 

Our Guest presentation ‘Our Future Health’ will be made by Dr Fiona Reddington, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships, of Our Future Health.

To register for this event please click here

For a full programme please click BHF CRE Annual Symposium 25 October 2021

British Cardiovascular Society - BCS Annual Conference 2021 -

Monday 7th to Thursday 10th June 2021 - The Virtual Annual Conference ran across four days. 

General enquiries

BHF Centre of Research Excellence
ICTEM Building
Hammersmith Campus
Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN

BHF Centre Manager
Mrs Jaya Rajamanie

+44 (0)20 7594 8062

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