Founded in 2018, the Imperial BHF Fundraising Team organises an array of fundraisers from dynamic dance classes and fierce fitness challenges to indulgent bake sales and romantic Valentine’s Day cards.

The team has raised over £4,300 for the Fight for Every Heartbeat. We count on you to support this cause. Please donate here.

The Team:
Anies Sohi
Zuzanna Jablonska
Mascha Vinokurova
Fama Manneh
Maike Haensel
Eleni Vasilaki
Jaya Rajamanie (BHF Centre Manager)

We are always looking for more volunteers.

Why should you be a member of this team?

  • Be part of a dynamic team & meet new BHF funded students and staff
  • See your ideas come to life
  • Improve & prove your good soft skills (teamwork, leadership, organisation, networking, etc.)
  • Participate in outreach events and share your research/knowledge with other people
  • Thank the BHF for the opportunity to do what you love

Please contact us ( if you would like to join our team of volunteers. Everyone is welcome!

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out for our 2022/2023 events in the NHLI newsletters.

December 2022 Christmas Bake Sale
November 2022 Pub Quiz
January 2023 Fitness Challenge
February 2023 Valentine's Raffle
March 2023 Spring Macrame Baskets
April 2023 Easter Egg Hunt
May 2023 Lab vs Lab Competition
June 2023 Summer Party

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at


List of events

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 

Past events

Anies and Zuzanna

Cake Break

The Cake Break was an excellent collaboration between the Imperial BHF CRE and the BHF themselves.

In the morning we welcomed staff and students from across the Hammersmith campus with the opportunity to win a tempting jar of chocolates and to get some fetching BHF merch. From a humble stand, £125 was raised.

In the afternoon, speakers from both the BHF and Imperial spoke to a budding audience on the importance and excitement of fundraising, inspiring a new generation of volunteers, outreach speakers and fundraisers.

The day was finished off with a much-desired Cake Break, where networking sprouted, and fundraising ideas were shared.

Mascha and zuzanna

Mis(s)diagnosed Symposium

Well done to our BHF DTP students Mascha Vinokurova, Zuzanna Jablonska, Amalia Sintou, and Anies- Makhdomi-Sohi on organising the inaugural BHF student symposium “Mis(s)diagnosed - why sex matters in cardiovascular diseases". The symposium was a thought-provoking afternoon with various guest speakers discussing the sex differences in cardiovascular disease.

The Imperial BHF Fundraising Team featured during the breaks where attendees could purchase their very own Mis(s)diagnosed badges, raising £58.

BHF 60th Anniversary

Runners for 60k

600 Miles in 60 Days for the 60 Years of the BHF

For the BHF’s 60th Anniversary, the fundraising team went big! As we stretched our legs, dusted off our running shoes and oiled our bike chains at the end of the UK’s final lockdown, staff, students and friends of the Imperial BHF CRE formed teams and competed against each other to walk, run and cycle 600 miles in 60 days and raise £75 for the BHF. With many teams completely thrashing those goals, an incredible total of £2400 was raised. 

Table of teams

600 Miles in 60 Days for the 60 Years of the BHF

With the winning teams Vaso-Active accumulating 2893 miles and The Pacemakers raising over £900, it is safe to say that there is a competitive spirit amongst our BHF supporters.

More events

Teams meeting

BHF Friyay

Lockdown did not stop us from having fun and fundraising. A series of online classes were run to bring a bit of cheer to our Fridays. In the lead up to Christmas, our Friday nights were active with Zumba, chilled with yoga and indulgent with baking, while there was also the chance to get a hold of some aromatic mulling spices. So, you can lock us up and throw away the key, but we still raised £405.

Prize winners of Valentine's Day Raffle 2023

Valentine's Day Raffle

With the support of local businesses Prairie Fire a Kansas City style BBQ restaurant and Divr Labs virtual reality experience arena who generously donated prizes to our Valentine's Day Raffle, we were able to kickstart this romantic month with the opportunity to win fantastic prizes to spoil loved ones with.

A beating success, with 212 raffle tickets sold and £511 raised, all in under two weeks. Everyone definitely gave a whole lot of heart this Valentine's Day! 

Congratulations to our winners!

General enquiries

BHF Centre of Research Excellence
ICTEM Building
Hammersmith Campus
Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN

BHF Centre Manager
Mrs Jaya Rajamanie

+44 (0)20 7594 8062

Follow us on Twitter

Faculty of MedicineNational Heart and Lung InstituteVascular Science Network