Stefanos Mylonas

Role: Masters (MSc) student, National Heart and Lung Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London

Subject area: Genes, Drugs, and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies 

Nationality: Greek

Growing up as a child in Greece, I was always posing questions and trying to get an answer. I soon realised that science could give me the answers I was seeking. Intrigued by science and especially the field of biology, I pursued a bachelor’s degree in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Democritus University, Greece. During my undergraduate studies modules, seminars and laboratory work bolstered my interest in advanced therapy medicinal products. This is why I am currently studying for an MSc in Genes, Drugs, and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies at Imperial.



GCSE (or equivalent): Greek Junior High School

A-level (or equivalent): Greek Senior High School - Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Arts

• BSc in Molecular Biology & Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
• MSc in Genes, Drugs, and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies (on-going), Imperial College London 

Detail about Stefanos


My research

I am carrying out my six-month research project in the Gene Therapy laboratory within the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial, developing technology that will advance and facilitate gene therapy research.

My inspiration

My inspiration

I was inspired to study for my MSc by a fundraising campaign raising financial support for a toddler’s gene therapy treatment. When I saw the campaign, I realised that I want to be part of the research community that develops cutting-edge therapy approaches. 

My STEM hero

Who is your STEM hero?

Rosalind Franklin, a chemist, and crystallographer. Her work significantly contributed towards the discovery of the structure of DNA, although it was only recognised after her death.

Stem cells

Most significant discovery/invention?

Induced pluripotent stem cells, which can self-renew and differentiate into any type of cell.  They can be used to replace cells and treat human disorders like leukaemia and diabetes. 

A student in a lab

Career options after study

  • Continue in academia and get a PhD
  • Pharmaceutical consultant
  • Clinical trial associate for pharmaceutical company
  • Patent attorney
A camera

My hobbies

I am passionate about photography, participating in many workshops and exhibitions. I also enjoy doing volunteer work providing guidance to young people who want to study biology.

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