Students will be allocated to specific mentor groups of no larger than 10 students, with one mentor leading who is a current Imperial College undergraduate. Students will be part of three mentor groups for the duration of the programme which are:

  • An academic mentor group in week one

  • An Innovation Challenge mentor group in week two.

  • A pastoral mentor group for the duration of the programme.

Students will be supervised during the day by academic mentors, and by pastoral mentors during the evening and weekends. Students must remain in their mentor groups throughout the programme, including mealtimes, unless otherwise specified by programme staff. Pastoral mentors will be supervised by a team Senior Residential Assistants (SRAs) and academic mentors will be supervised by the Global Summer School Team. If students have any concerns about their mentor, they will be able to talk to Programme managers to resolve any issues. 

During certain social activities at specified times students may have the opportunity to break off from the mentor groups and explore the areas with friends from the programme outside their own mentor group. This opportunity will be given during set times at the discretion of Summer School staff, and students will be expected to sign in and out in accordance with specific procedures. At other times, students will be expected to remain with the group and should not make separate arrangements during the summer school with friends from the programme, or external friends and family. This includes during mealtimes and social activities. These arrangements will not be approved by the Global Summer School Team and will be treated as a breach of the Behaviour and Learning Agreement.