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Conference paperSanguedolce G, Naylor PA, Geranmayeh F, 2023,
Uncovering the potential for a weakly supervised end-to-end model in recognising speech from patient with post-stroke aphasia
, 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, Publisher: Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages: 182-190Post-stroke speech and language deficits (aphasia) significantly impact patients' quality of life. Many with mild symptoms remain undiagnosed, and the majority do not receive the intensive doses of therapy recommended, due to healthcare costs and/or inadequate services. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) may help overcome these difficulties by improving diagnostic rates and providing feedback during tailored therapy. However, its performance is often unsatisfactory due to the high variability in speech errors and scarcity of training datasets. This study assessed the performance of Whisper, a recently released end-to-end model, in patients with post-stroke aphasia (PWA). We tuned its hyperparameters to achieve the lowest word error rate (WER) on aphasic speech. WER was significantly higher in PWA compared to age-matched controls (10.3% vs 38.5%, p < 0.001). We demonstrated that worse WER was related to the more severe aphasia as measured by expressive (overt naming, and spontaneous speech production) and receptive (written and spoken comprehension) language assessments. Stroke lesion size did not affect the performance of Whisper. Linear mixed models accounting for demographic factors, therapy duration, and time since stroke, confirmed worse Whisper performance with left hemispheric frontal lesions. We discuss the implications of these findings for how future ASR can be improved in PWA.
Conference paperFaldor M, Chalumeau F, Flageat M, et al., 2023,
MAP-elites with descriptor-conditioned gradients and archive distillation into a single policy
, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery, Pages: 138-146Quality-Diversity algorithms, such as MAP-Elites, are a branch of Evolutionary Computation generating collections of diverse and high-performing solutions, that have been successfully applied to a variety of domains and particularly in evolutionary robotics. However, MAP-Elites performs a divergent search based on random mutations originating from Genetic Algorithms, and thus, is limited to evolving populations of low-dimensional solutions. PGA-MAP-Elites overcomes this limitation by integrating a gradient-based variation operator inspired by Deep Reinforcement Learning which enables the evolution of large neural networks. Although high-performing in many environments, PGA-MAP-Elites fails on several tasks where the convergent search of the gradient-based operator does not direct mutations towards archive-improving solutions. In this work, we present two contributions: (1) we enhance the Policy Gradient variation operator with a descriptor-conditioned critic that improves the archive across the entire descriptor space, (2) we exploit the actor-critic training to learn a descriptor-conditioned policy at no additional cost, distilling the knowledge of the archive into one single versatile policy that can execute the entire range of behaviors contained in the archive. Our algorithm, DCG-MAP-Elites improves the QD score over PGA-MAP-Elites by 82% on average, on a set of challenging locomotion tasks.
Conference paperGrillotti L, Flageat M, Lim B, et al., 2023,
Don't bet on luck alone: enhancing behavioral reproducibility of quality-diversity solutions in uncertain domains
, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Publisher: ACMQuality-Diversity (QD) algorithms are designed to generate collections of high-performing solutions while maximizing their diversity in a given descriptor space. However, in the presence of unpredictable noise, the fitness and descriptor of the same solution can differ significantly from one evaluation to another, leading to uncertainty in the estimation of such values. Given the elitist nature of QD algorithms, they commonly end up with many degeneratesolutions in such noisy settings. In this work, we introduce Archive Reproducibility Improvement Algorithm (ARIA); a plug-and-play approach that improves the reproducibility of the solutions present in an archive. We propose it as a separate optimization module, relying on natural evolution strategies, that can be executed on top of any QD algorithm. Our module mutates solutions to (1) optimize their probability of belonging to their niche, and (2) maximize their fitness. The performance of our method is evaluated on various tasks, including a classical optimization problem and two high-dimensional control tasks in simulated robotic environments. We show that our algorithm enhances the quality and descriptor space coverage of any given archive by at least 50%.
Conference paperDe Angelis E, Proietti M, Toni F, 2023,
ABA learning via ASP
, ICLP 2023, Publisher: Open Publishing Association, Pages: 1-8, ISSN: 2075-2180Recently, ABA Learning has been proposed as a form of symbolic machine learning for drawing Assumption-Based Argumentation frameworks from background knowledge and positive and negative examples. We propose a novel method for implementing ABA Learning using Answer SetProgramming as a way to help guide Rote Learning and generalisation in ABA Learning.
Conference paperToni F, Potyka N, Ulbricht M, et al., 2023,
Understanding ProbLog as probabilistic argumentation
, ICLP 2023, Publisher: Open Publishing Association, Pages: 183-189, ISSN: 2075-2180ProbLog is a popular probabilistic logic programming language and tool, widely used for applications requiring to deal with inherent uncertainties in structured domains. In this paper we study someconnections between ProbLog and a variant of another well-known formalism combining symbolicreasoning and reasoning under uncertainty, namely probabilistic argumentation. Specifically, weshow that ProbLog is an instance of a form of Probabilistic Abstract Argumentation (PAA) underthe constellation approach, which builds upon Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA). The connections pave the way towards equipping ProbLog with a variety of alternative semantics, inheritedfrom PAA/PABA, as well as obtaining novel argumentation semantics for PAA/PABA, leveraging onexisting connections between ProbLog and argumentation. Moreover, the connections pave the waytowards novel forms of argumentative explanations for ProbLog’s outputs.
Conference paperMihailescu I, Weng A, Sharma S, et al., 2023,
PySpArX - A Python library for generating Sparse Argumentative eXplanations for neural networks
, ICLP 2023, Publisher: Open Publishing Association, Pages: 336-336, ISSN: 2075-2180 -
Conference paperPaulino Passos G, Satoh K, Toni F, 2023,
A dataset of contractual events in court decisions
, Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning Workshop @ ICLP 2023, Publisher: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN: 1613-0073The promise of automation of legal reasoning is developing technology that reduces human time required for legal tasks or that improves human performance on such tasks. In order to do so, different methods and systems based on logic programming were developed. However, in order to apply such methods on legal data, it is necessary to provide an interface between human users and the legal reasoning system, and the most natural interface in the legal domain is natural language, in particular, written text. In order to perform reasoning in written text using logic programming methods, it is then necessary to map expressions in text to atoms and predicates in the formal language, a task referred generally as information extraction. In this work, we propose a new dataset for the task of information extraction, in particular event extraction, in court decisions, focusing on contracts. Our dataset captures contractual relations and events that affect them in some way, such as negotiations preceding a (possible) contract, the execution of a contract, or its termination. We conducted text annotation with law students and graduates, resulting in a dataset with 207 documents, 3934 sentences, 4627 entities, and 1825 events. We describe here this resource, the annotation process, its evaluation with inter-annotator agreement metrics, and discuss challenges during the development of this resource and for the future.
Conference paperNguyen H-T, Toni F, Stathis K, et al., 2023,
Beyond logic programming for legal reasoning
, Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning Workshop@ICLP2023, Publisher:, ISSN: 1613-0073Logic programming has long being advocated for legal reasoning, and several approaches have been putforward relying upon explicit representation of the law in logic programming terms. In this positionpaper we focus on the PROLEG logic-programming-based framework for formalizing and reasoningwith Japanese presupposed ultimate fact theory. Specifically, we examine challenges and opportunitiesin leveraging deep learning techniques for improving legal reasoning using PROLEG, identifying fourdistinct options ranging from enhancing fact extraction using deep learning to end-to-end solutionsfor reasoning with textual legal descriptions. We assess advantages and limitations of each option,considering their technical feasibility, interpretability, and alignment with the needs of legal practitionersand decision-makers. We believe that our analysis can serve as a guideline for developers aiming tobuild effective decision-support systems for the legal domain, while fostering a deeper understanding ofchallenges and potential advancements by neuro-symbolic approaches in legal applications.
Conference paperProietti M, Toni F, 2023,
A roadmap for neuro-argumentative learning
, 17th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy 2023), Publisher: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Pages: 1-8, ISSN: 1613-0073Computational argumentation (CA) has emerged, in recent decades, as a powerful formalism for knowl-edge representation and reasoning in the presence of conflicting information, notably when reasoningnon-monotonically with rules and exceptions. Much existing work in CA has focused, to date, on rea-soning with given argumentation frameworks (AFs) or, more recently, on using AFs, possibly automat-ically drawn from other systems, for supporting forms of XAI. In this short paper we focus insteadon the problem of learning AFs from data, with a focus on neuro-symbolic approaches. Specifically,we overview existing forms of neuro-argumentative (machine) learning, resulting from a combinationof neural machine learning mechanisms and argumentative (symbolic) reasoning. We include in ouroverview neuro-symbolic paradigms that integrate reasoners with a natural understanding in argumen-tative terms, notably those capturing forms of non-monotonic reasoning in logic programming. We alsooutline avenues and challenges for future work in this spectrum.
Conference paperPotyka N, Yin X, Toni F, 2023,
Explaining random forests using bipolar argumentation and Markov networks
, AAAI 23, Pages: 9458-9460, ISSN: 2159-5399Random forests are decision tree ensembles that can be used to solve a variety of machine learning problems. However, as the number of trees and their individual size can be large, their decision making process is often incomprehensible. We show that their decision process can be naturally represented as an argumentation problem, which allows creating global explanations via argumentative reasoning. We generalize sufficientand necessary argumentative explanations using a Markov network encoding, discuss the relevance of these explanations and establish relationships to families of abductive explanations from the literature. As the complexity of the explanation problems is high, we present an efficient approximation algorithm with probabilistic approximation guarantees.
Conference paperJiang J, Leofante F, Rago A, et al., 2023,
Formalising the robustness of counterfactual explanations for neural networks
, 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Pages: 14901-14909, ISSN: 2374-3468The use of counterfactual explanations (CFXs) is an increasingly popular explanation strategy for machine learning models. However, recent studies have shown that these explanations may not be robust to changes in the underlying model (e.g., following retraining), which raises questions about their reliability in real-world applications. Existing attempts towards solving this problem are heuristic, and the robustness to model changes of the resulting CFXs is evaluated with only a small number of retrained models, failing to provide exhaustive guarantees. To remedy this, we propose the first notion to formally and deterministically assess the robustness (to model changes) of CFXs for neural networks, that we call ∆-robustness. We introduce an abstraction framework based on interval neural networks to verify the ∆-robustness of CFXs against a possibly infinite set of changes to the model parameters, i.e., weights and biases. We then demonstrate the utility of this approach in two distinct ways. First, we analyse the ∆-robustness of a number of CFX generation methods from the literature and show that they unanimously host significant deficiencies in this regard. Second, we demonstrate how embedding ∆-robustness within existing methods can provide CFXs which are provably robust.
Conference paperNguyen H-T, Goebel R, Toni F, et al., 2023,
How well do SOTA legal reasoning models support abductive reasoning?
, Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning Workshop@ICLP2023We examine how well the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models used in legal reasoning support abductivereasoning tasks. Abductive reasoning is a form of logical inference in which a hypothesis is formulatedfrom a set of observations, and that hypothesis is used to explain the observations. The ability toformulate such hypotheses is important for lawyers and legal scholars as it helps them articulate logicalarguments, interpret laws, and develop legal theories. Our motivation is to consider the belief thatdeep learning models, especially large language models (LLMs), will soon replace lawyers because theyperform well on tasks related to legal text processing. But to do so, we believe, requires some form ofabductive hypothesis formation. In other words, while LLMs become more popular and powerful, wewant to investigate their capacity for abductive reasoning. To pursue this goal, we start by building alogic-augmented dataset for abductive reasoning with 498,697 samples and then use it to evaluate theperformance of a SOTA model in the legal field. Our experimental results show that although thesemodels can perform well on tasks related to some aspects of legal text processing, they still fall short insupporting abductive reasoning tasks.
Journal articleLertvittayakumjorn P, Toni F, 2023,
Argumentative explanations for pattern-based text classifiers
, Argument and Computation, Vol: 14, Pages: 163-234, ISSN: 1946-2174Recent works in Explainable AI mostly address the transparency issue of black-box models or create explanations for any kind of models (i.e., they are model-agnostic), while leaving explanations of interpretable models largely underexplored. In this paper, we fill this gap by focusing on explanations for a specific interpretable model, namely pattern-based logistic regression (PLR) for binary text classification. We do so because, albeit interpretable, PLR is challenging when it comes to explanations. In particular, we found that a standard way to extract explanations from this model does not consider relations among the features, making the explanations hardly plausible to humans. Hence, we propose AXPLR, a novel explanation method using (forms of) computational argumentation to generate explanations (for outputs computed by PLR) which unearth model agreements and disagreements among the features. Specifically, we use computational argumentation as follows: we see features (patterns) in PLR as arguments in a form of quantified bipolar argumentation frameworks (QBAFs) and extract attacks and supports between arguments based on specificity of the arguments; we understand logistic regression as a gradual semantics for these QBAFs, used to determine the arguments’ dialectic strength; and we study standard properties of gradual semantics for QBAFs in the context of our argumentative re-interpretation of PLR, sanctioning its suitability for explanatory purposes. We then show how to extract intuitive explanations (for outputs computed by PLR) from the constructed QBAFs. Finally, we conduct an empirical evaluation and two experiments in the context of human-AI collaboration to demonstrate the advantages of our resulting AXPLR method.
Conference paperLeofante F, Lomuscio A, 2023,
Towards robust contrastive explanations for human-neural multi-agent systems
, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2023), Publisher: ACM, Pages: 2343-2345Generating explanations of high quality is fundamental to the development of trustworthy human-AI interactions. We here study the problem of generating contrastive explanations with formal robustness guarantees. We formalise a new notion of robustness and introduce two novel verification-based algorithms to (i) identify non-robust explanations generated by other methods and (ii) generate contrastive explanations augmented with provablerobustness certificates. We present an implementation and evaluate the utility of the approach on two case studies concerning neural agents trainedon credit scoring and image classification tasks.
Journal articleRago A, Russo F, Albini E, et al., 2023,
Explaining classifiers’ outputs with causal models and argumentation
, Journal of Applied Logics, Vol: 10, Pages: 421-449, ISSN: 2631-9810We introduce a conceptualisation for generating argumentation frameworks (AFs) from causal models for the purpose of forging explanations for mod-els’ outputs. The conceptualisation is based on reinterpreting properties of semantics of AFs as explanation moulds, which are means for characterising argumentative relations. We demonstrate our methodology by reinterpreting the property of bi-variate reinforcement in bipolar AFs, showing how the ex-tracted bipolar AFs may be used as relation-based explanations for the outputs of causal models. We then evaluate our method empirically when the causal models represent (Bayesian and neural network) machine learning models for classification. The results show advantages over a popular approach from the literature, both in highlighting specific relationships between feature and classification variables and in generating counterfactual explanations with respect to a commonly used metric.
Conference paperSanthirasekaram A, Kori A, Winkler M, et al., 2023,
Robust Hierarchical Symbolic Explanations in Hyperbolic Space for Image Classification
, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition -
Journal articleAlbini E, Rago A, Baroni P, et al., 2023,
Achieving descriptive accuracy in explanations via argumentation: the case of probabilistic classifiers
, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Vol: 6, Pages: 1-18, ISSN: 2624-8212The pursuit of trust in and fairness of AI systems in order to enable human-centric goals has been gathering pace of late, often supported by the use of explanations for the outputs of these systems. Several properties of explanations have been highlighted as critical for achieving trustworthy and fair AI systems, but one that has thus far been overlooked is that of descriptive accuracy (DA), i.e., that the explanation contents are in correspondence with the internal working of the explained system. Indeed, the violation of this core property would lead to the paradoxical situation of systems producing explanations which are not suitably related to how the system actually works: clearly this may hinder user trust. Further, if explanations violate DA then they can be deceitful, resulting in an unfair behavior toward the users. Crucial as the DA property appears to be, it has been somehow overlooked in the XAI literature to date. To address this problem, we consider the questions of formalizing DA and of analyzing its satisfaction by explanation methods. We provide formal definitions of naive, structural and dialectical DA, using the family of probabilistic classifiers as the context for our analysis. We evaluate the satisfaction of our given notions of DA by several explanation methods, amounting to two popular feature-attribution methods from the literature, variants thereof and a novel form of explanation that we propose. We conduct experiments with a varied selection of concrete probabilistic classifiers and highlight the importance, with a user study, of our most demanding notion of dialectical DA, which our novel method satisfies by design and others may violate. We thus demonstrate how DA could be a critical component in achieving trustworthy and fair systems, in line with the principles of human-centric AI.
Journal articleFlageat M, Chalumeau F, Cully A, 2023,
Empirical analysis of PGA-MAP-Elites for neuroevolution in uncertain domains
, ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, Vol: 3, Pages: 1-32, ISSN: 2688-299XQuality-Diversity algorithms, among which MAP-Elites, have emerged as powerful alternatives to performance-only optimisation approaches as they enable generating collections of diverse and high-performing solutions to an optimisation problem. However, they are often limited to low-dimensional search spaces and deterministic environments. The recently introduced Policy Gradient Assisted MAP-Elites (PGA-MAP-Elites) algorithm overcomes this limitation by pairing the traditional Genetic operator of MAP-Elites with a gradient-based operator inspired by Deep Reinforcement Learning. This new operator guides mutations toward high-performing solutions using policy-gradients. In this work, we propose an in-depth study of PGA-MAP-Elites. We demonstrate the benefits of policy-gradients on the performance of the algorithm and the reproducibility of the generated solutions when considering uncertain domains. We first prove that PGA-MAP-Elites is highly performant in both deterministic and uncertain high-dimensional environments, decorrelating the two challenges it tackles. Secondly, we show that in addition to outperforming all the considered baselines, the collections of solutions generated by PGA-MAP-Elites are highly reproducible in uncertain environments, approaching the reproducibility of solutions found by Quality-Diversity approaches built specifically for uncertain applications. Finally, we propose an ablation and in-depth analysis of the dynamic of the policy-gradients-based variation. We demonstrate that the policy-gradient variation operator is determinant to guarantee the performance of PGA-MAP-Elites but is only essential during the early stage of the process, where it finds high-performing regions of the search space.
Conference paperChalumeau F, Boige R, Lim BWT, et al., 2023,
Neuroevolution is a Competitive Alternative to Reinforcement Learning for Skill Discovery
, The 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2023 -
Conference paperSurana S, Lim BWT, Cully A, 2023,
Efficient Learning of Locomotion Skills through the Discovery of Diverse Environmental Trajectory Generator Priors
, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ISSN: 2152-4092
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