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Conference paperJamali N, Kormushev P, Carrera A, et al., 2015,
Underwater Robot-Object Contact Perception using Machine Learning on Force/Torque Sensor Feedback
Conference paperKormushev P, Demiris Y, Caldwell DG, 2015,
Encoderless Position Control of a Two-Link Robot Manipulator
Conference paperCarrera A, Palomeras N, Hurtos N, et al., 2015,
Learning multiple strategies to perform a valve turning with underwater currents using an I-AUV
Conference paperAhmadzadeh SR, Paikan A, Mastrogiovanni F, et al., 2015,
Learning Symbolic Representations of Actions from Human Demonstrations
Conference paperJamisola RS, Kormushev P, Caldwell DG, et al., 2015,
Modular Relative Jacobian for Dual-Arms and the Wrench Transformation Matrix
Conference paperLane DM, Maurelli F, Kormushev P, et al., 2015,
PANDORA - Persistent Autonomy through Learning, Adaptation, Observation and Replanning
Conference paperAthakravi D, Alrajeh D, Broda K, et al., 2015,
Inductive Learning Using Constraint-Driven Bias
, 24th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), Publisher: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Pages: 16-32, ISSN: 0302-9743- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 5
Journal articleTakano W, Asfour T, Kormushev P, 2015,
Special Issue on Humanoid Robotics
, Advanced Robotics, Vol: 29 -
Journal articleBimbo J, Kormushev P, Althoefer K, et al., 2015,
Global Estimation of an Object’s Pose Using Tactile Sensing
, Advanced Robotics, Vol: 29 -
Conference paperAhmadzadeh SR, Kormushev P, Caldwell DG, 2014,
Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for AUV Thruster Failure Recovery
Journal articleKadir SN, Goodman DFM, Harris KD, 2014,
High-dimensional cluster analysis with the masked EM algorithm
, Neural Computation, Vol: 26, Pages: 2379-2394, ISSN: 0899-7667Cluster analysis faces two problems in high dimensions: the "curse of dimensionality" that can lead to overfitting and poor generalization performance and the sheer time taken for conventional algorithms to process large amounts of high-dimensional data. We describe a solution to these problems, designed for the application of spike sorting for nextgeneration, high-channel-count neural probes. In this problem, only a small subset of features provides information about the cluster membership of any one data vector, but this informative feature subset is not the same for all data points, rendering classical feature selection ineffective.We introduce a "masked EM" algorithm that allows accurate and time-efficient clustering of up to millions of points in thousands of dimensions. We demonstrate its applicability to synthetic data and to real-world high-channel-count spike sorting data.
Conference paperDallali H, Kormushev P, Tsagarakis N, et al., 2014,
Can Active Impedance Protect Robots from Landing Impact?
Conference paperAhmadzadeh SR, Jamisola RS, Kormushev P, et al., 2014,
Learning Reactive Robot Behavior for Autonomous Valve Turning
Conference paperJamisola RS, Kormushev P, Bicchi A, et al., 2014,
Haptic Exploration of Unknown Surfaces with Discontinuities
Conference paperJamali N, Kormushev P, Caldwell DG, 2014,
Robot-Object Contact Perception using Symbolic Temporal Pattern Learning
Conference paperAhmadzadeh SR, Carrera A, Leonetti M, et al., 2014,
Online Discovery of AUV Control Policies to Overcome Thruster Failures
Conference paperCarrera A, Karras G, Bechlioulis C, et al., 2014,
Improving a Learning by Demonstration framework for Intervention AUVs by means of an UVMS controller
Conference paperJamali N, Kormushev P, Ahmadzadeh SR, et al., 2014,
Covariance Analysis as a Measure of Policy Robustness in Reinforcement Learning
Conference paperCarrera A, Palomeras N, Ribas D, et al., 2014,
An Intervention-AUV learns how to perform an underwater valve turning
Journal articleDeisenroth MP, Fox D, Rasmussen CE, 2014,
Gaussian Processes for Data-Efficient Learning in Robotics and Control
, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, ISSN: 0162-8828Autonomous learning has been a promising direction in control and robotics for more than a decade since data-drivenlearning allows to reduce the amount of engineering knowledge, which is otherwise required. However, autonomous reinforcementlearning (RL) approaches typically require many interactions with the system to learn controllers, which is a practical limitation in realsystems, such as robots, where many interactions can be impractical and time consuming. To address this problem, current learningapproaches typically require task-specific knowledge in form of expert demonstrations, realistic simulators, pre-shaped policies, orspecific knowledge about the underlying dynamics. In this article, we follow a different approach and speed up learning by extractingmore information from data. In particular, we learn a probabilistic, non-parametric Gaussian process transition model of the system.By explicitly incorporating model uncertainty into long-term planning and controller learning our approach reduces the effects of modelerrors, a key problem in model-based learning. Compared to state-of-the art RL our model-based policy search method achieves anunprecedented speed of learning. We demonstrate its applicability to autonomous learning in real robot and control tasks.
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