Terms and conditions of the space and its facilities

  • Eligible users of the Centre are alumni visiting the College who do not otherwise have access to alternative space on campus. This refers to alumni who are neither current staff members nor current students.
  • Alumni should bring identification and their CID / alumni number with them to help verify their eligibility to access the Centre.
  • Alumni are permitted to occasionally (no more than once a week) bring up to two guests inside the space, or a maximum of five guests into the meeting room. Guests remain the responsibility of the alumnus they are accompanying and the terms and conditions should be brought to their attention and adhered to.
  • Users are permitted to use the free Wi-Fi via The Cloud or via an 8-hour guest access account, to be utilised within the Centre. Users utilising the ICT facilities in the Centre and accessing the College’s Wi-Fi must comply with the College’s Conditions of use of IT facilities.
  • Opening hours are Monday to Friday, between 09.15 and 16.45, however users are encouraged to begin exiting the Centre from 16.30, as staff require time to tidy and refresh the space before they leave at 17.00.
  • The College may at any time, with notice (where practicable) close the Centre for any period of time in connection with any cleaning, repair or maintenance work or for reasons beyond the College’s control. Where advance notification of closure is practicable, such notification will be posted in the Main College Reception, the Alumni Visitor Centre and on the website.
  • The Centre can be used for business purposes; however, businesses cannot be registered to the address, nor can personal or business correspondence be sent to the Centre.
  • Users are permitted to leave their own luggage through the ‘Left-Luggage’ service. Luggage can only be stored during opening hours and must be collected before closing time. Staff reserve the right to inspect luggage that they may consider as suspicious. Security will be notified of any luggage not collected.
  • Out of hours use of the Centre must only be for alumni-related events and must be pre-authorised by the Alumni Relations team. Out of hours use must finish at 21.30 and the Centre must be empty by 21.45 at the latest. The Centre must be left in a clean and orderly fashion.
  • Users can book the meeting room in advance through alumnicentre@imperial.ac.uk or via +44 (0)207 594 1925. Bookings can be made for a maximum of three hours per user, per week. Please note the meeting room is not available to book on Wednesdays. 
  • There is not an official printing service in the Centre, but users are able to make printing requests at the discretion of the Centre staff.

Conduct in the Alumni Visitor Centre

  • Users are expected to respect the Centre as a space for coworking, collaboration and connection with other alumni and their guests and to conduct themselves with consideration to both the Centre staff and other users. Anyone identified by Centre or Security staff as having caused or are causing any visitor or staff member any form of harassment, alarm, or distress may be required to leave the College premises. The incident may also result in them being refused entry to the Centre in the future.

  • Alumni will not be given access to the Centre if they have had their services and benefits withdrawn.
  • Use of all personal electronic devices (including laptops, mobile phones, etc.) must not disturb or be of inconvenience to other users of the Centre.
  • This is a place of work and relaxation, please be mindful of people and your surroundings and keep noise to a minimum.
  • Users must not mark, damage or misuse items belonging to the Centre; this includes all furnishings, fittings and equipment.
  • Imperial cannot take responsibility for the security of personal belongings - users should take care of their possessions at all times. Personal belongings should not be left unattended, unless using the ‘Left-Luggage’ facility. Belongings left unattended in the space or meeting room may be removed and may be destroyed for security reasons if suspicious.
  • Hot and/or smelly food may not be consumed or brought into the Centre. Users doing so will be required to remove such food from the space.
  • The consumption of alcohol is prohibited in the Centre outside of organised events authorised by the Alumni Relations team. Anyone found consuming alcohol will be asked to remove it from the Centre and may be asked to leave. Users who appear to be intoxicated may be refused admission to the Centre.
  • The Centre does not have a specific dress code policy, however we expect alumni and guests to be mindful of other users within the space and remain fully clothed at all times.
  • If a member of staff believes that an individual using the Centre is not an eligible user, that member of staff may report the individual to the Alumni Relations team for further investigation and the individual may be asked to leave the Centre.
  • Users utilising the meeting room must not disturb other users of the Centre. Equipment within the meeting room (e.g. LCD screen, cables etc.) can be utilised as required but must be returned to their designated place and in the condition it was found.
  • All users must vacate the Centre promptly at closing time, on hearing the fire alarm, or as requested by a member of staff.
  • Unauthorised promotional material, such as leaflets and posters, will be removed from the Centre.

Governance and sanctions

This section sets out the process for taking action in cases where there are concerns that behaviour of a user is not consistent with the regulations as set out above.

  • The Centre Regulations will be subject to regular review.
  • In cases of serious misconduct in the Centre, staff members reserve the right to report users to the Alumni Relations team and Security.
  • Complaints will be assessed on individual basis. The Director of Alumni Relations and the Head of Alumni Relations reserve the right to impose reasonable sanctions.
  • Reasonable sanctions include users being prohibited from utilising the Centre and other services and benefits provided by the Alumni Relations team. A temporary or permanent ban will depend upon the significance of distress or inconvenience to staff or other users, and the risk of damage to property.
  • The College cannot be held responsible for the Centre or for any facilities at the Centre not being available for any reason. The College reserves the right to make alterations to the type of facilities provided or to withdraw the provision of any facilities at the Centre, without notice and at its absolute discretion, and the College shall not be liable for any loss occasioned by such alterations or withdrawal. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit the College’s liability for death or personal injury caused by the College's negligence or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of the College.

Visitor information

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
09.15 to 16.45

Ask us a question, book the meeting room or plan an event:
Phone: +44 (0)20 7594 1925 
Email: alumnicentre@imperial.ac.uk

To gain access to the Centre, please provide your name, CID and graduation year upon arrival.